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My heart thuds loudly in my chest. "That was almost eight years ago."

"Do you remember what you said to me that day?" he asks as his fingers find mine again. "The first time we met?"

I shake my head. "No." Why can't I remember?

"You told me it was rude to stare," he laughs. "Then you threw a basketball at me and hit me right in the stomach. You knocked the wind out of me. Literally."

I cover my mouth with my hand and try to keep the string of giggles from escaping.

"Don't laugh," he playfully teases. "It really hurt."

"I'm sorry," I shrug, still laughing beside him.

"You had brown hair back then," Kyle smiles as he runs his fingers through my curled hair.

"Well, it's a good thing I dyed it," I smile at him. "Since you prefer blonds."

He shakes his head slowly, his eyes dark lustrous. "I prefer whatever color your hair is."

I feel an ache in my chest. But not the sad, heart-wrenching kind. The kind of ache that makes me wonder why I wasted so much time on anyone else. Why I couldn't see what I'm seeing now. Why I put myself through so much heartache when I didn't have to.

"What are you thinking?" Kyle asks as his fingers twirl a strand of my hair in his hand before sliding it behind my ear. His fingers graze the sensitive skin on my neck, sending goosebumps all over my body. A smile tugs at the corner of his lips when he notices the way my body reacts to him.

I swallow, wonder if it'll scare him if I tell him the truth. If I just lay it all out there. I decide it's worth the risk.

"I just...wish I had known sooner. You know, how you felt. Maybe I wouldn't have made so many...bad choices."

Kyle slips his arm around me again. I lift my bare legs, slide them over his lap, scoot closer so there's no space between us. "You know now."

"I do," I answer as I run a hand over his chest, feeling the hard, lean muscle beneath my fingers. He smells so good. He always does. "But I feel like I wasted so much time."

He presses his forehead to mine. "Trust me when I say this, I'm much better for you now, Jenny."

Before he can say anymore, my hand finds the back of his neck. "Kiss me. Please."

And he gives me what I want. His mouth is warm and wet and soft as we sway back and forth, the quiet humming of the gondola ride carrying us up the mountain as I lose myself in him.

There's no rushing, just Kyle's lips melding to mine, his tongue caressing mine, his hands carefully roaming my body. I didn't know kissing Kyle could be this...magical.

But the moment ends much too soon. We reach the peak of the mountain a few minutes later and reluctantly break apart.

Kyle offers me his hand to help me out. His arm wraps around my waist once I'm on the hard ground as his lips find the shell of my ear.

"Come on," he murmurs. "I have one more surprise."

I let him lead me across the uneven, snowy pathway. I try not to shiver from the frigid air blowing all around us. My heels dig into the white powder, softly crunching beneath me as I stare up at the stars, notice they look even bigger this high up. They sparkle and dance against the dimly lit black sky, so much more mesmerizing than the moon with its white, intrusive glow.

We walk over to the glass observation deck. The one I've visited at least a dozen times over the years. But this time, I can see twinkling lights strewn across its ceiling, bathing everything in a soft, honey-colored hue.

"Is that for me?" I ask.

Kyle stops walking, wraps his arm tighter around me. "Yes."

Oh my god.

I rock back and forth on my heels, trying to contain my excitement. He did all of this can't believe it. Can't believe he planned all of this for our first date.

We walk inside the building. Glass windows cover it from floor to ceiling. A coffee bar sits in the far corner, a small gift shop on the other end.
