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"He's not my boyfriend," I inform him before I take a sip. "Not yet anyway."

Tommy chuckles, shakes his head. "I always liked Kyle. I never understood what you saw in that idiot brother of his."

I shrug, take another sip, watch Kyle run his fingers through his dark hair. His lean bicep bulges against his white T-shirt and I feel warmth flood my chest. "Me either."

Kyle says something to Mom, and she shakes her head, angles it down, signaling the end of the conversation. He brushes past her, slides open the glass door and steps inside, his shoulders rigid, his jaw tense with aggravation.

Even though I know my brother's sitting beside me, I don't bother concealing the smile on my face when Kyle's eyes meet mine.

"Hi," I shyly greet him.

He slides the door shut behind him, tries to hide the grin on his face as he makes his way over to me, but fails miserably. Kyle leans down and kisses me. Right in front of Tommy.


"Thank you for the hot chocolate," I whisper to him.

"You're welcome." His fingers gently caress my cheek. For a moment, we just take each other in.

He exhales. "I have some stuff I promised I'd help my dad with. I'll see you tonight?"

I gaze up at him. "I'm looking forward to it."

Kyle kisses my forehead before nodding to Tommy and heading towards the front door. I watch him go, wishing he didn't have to leave me here with Mom and her ridiculous wrath.

I lean back in my chair, let out a long sigh, before I take another sip of hot chocolate.

"So, how serious are things with you two?" Tommy asks as he glances over at the sliding glass door, then back to me. Mom's sitting in a chair now, her back still to us.

"I mean," I hold up my cup of hot chocolate. "Do you bring girls hot chocolate this early in the morning?"

"Nope," Tommy shakes his head. "So, when are you planning on telling Matt?"

"Never," I jokingly reply. I guess I hadn't thought about telling him. Does he really need to know?

By the look on Tommy's face, I can tell he's thinking the same thing.

"What's her deal?" he motions towards Mom.

I chew on the inside of my cheek. "She basically called me a slut last night. She also thinks Kyle just wants sex and when he gets bored, he'll move on."

"I don't think guys bring girls hot chocolate if they're just interested in sex," he raises an unimpressed eyebrow. "Especially guys like him."

"I don't get it," I sit forward and rest my elbows on the table. "She acts like I did something wrong because she caught me making out with him in his car."

Tommy scratches his blond, buzzed-cut head. "Maybe she's not ready to accept that you're all grown up."

I roll my eyes. "You better not be taking her side."

"Hey," he holds up his hands defensively. "I was just offering an explanation. I'll try talking to her later. I'll see if I can find out why she's so angry."

"That's why you're my favorite brother," I beam at him. "Danny would have backed Mom and told me I was in the wrong."

"Danny's a dick," Tommy chews on a spoonful of Fruit Loops. "Nora practically lived here their whole senior year of high school. The one time I had a girl spend the night, he ratted me out to Dad."

"He is a dick," I agree, and we both start laughing.

But our laughter's cut short when Mom rises from her seat outside, slowly walks to the door and slides it open. When her eyes land on me, I give her an awkward wave. She completely ignores me and strides over to the coffee maker.
