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"I had to get gas," Kyle answers beside me.

"Did you get gas on another mountain?" Tommy snorts. "Cause I'm pretty sure it doesn't take 45 minutes to get gas. Is that code, Kyle? What were you doing to my little sister in your car?"

Matt sits up straighter, looks over at us. "No way. Jen would never—"

"Shut it, No Protection." Tommy points at him, wiggles his finger back and forth. "I wasn't talking to you."

Danny belly laughs and Nora hides her face behind her hand to stifle her giggles. Dad rolls his eyes while Mom groans beside him. I notice Diane and Randy don't look particularly amused, but it's Audra who laughs the loudest, clutches her stomach, bends forward. Matt shoots her an unimpressed look, says, “Really?” to her before he turns back to Tommy.

"Aren't you the one who had an STD in high school?" Matt raises his dark eyebrows, challenging him. "Doesn't sound like you should be talking."

Tommy smirks before leaning across the table, looks Matt right in the eyes. "Yeah, but that cleared up with some meds. Unlike your issue."

"That's not what I heard," Matt goads him.

"Rookie mistake," I hear Kyle whisper beside me. I glance over at him, see the subtle grin lighting up his face. Something warm and fluttery stirs in my chest.

"At least I had enough common sense to have sex with someone who was on birth control," Tommy flashes his eyebrows at Matt.


Audra laughs harder as I feel Kyle's hand find mine under the table.

Ollie lifts his head from the coloring page he's been working on, peers down at his parents. "Mom, what's an STD?"

"Alright," Dad interjects, "that's enough."

"Thank you, Mr. Kearns," Matt nods to him. "Glad someone is on my side."

"I'm not on your side," Dad coldly returns. Matt gulps nervously before he grabs the white cloth napkin off the table and sets it in his lap. "I just don't think this is appropriate dinner conversation."

The waiter appears as Diane begins to say something to defend her son.

I feel Kyle's eyes on me and glance over at him, see the desire and want and need written all over his face.

Hidden under the white tablecloth, I grip his fingers tighter, deciding I don't care how many pretty college girls he's supposedly slept with.

Right now, he's mine.

And that's all I really care about.

Chapter 25

I wander into the kitchen, stretching my arms over my head. The sunlight streaming in through the open windows gives off the illusion that everything is cheery and bright, a stark contrast to the icky, suffocating tension filling our normally peaceful home.

Tommy's sitting at the table, eating a bowl of cereal, focused on something outside.

I plop down in the seat beside him, look out the sliding glass door, cringe when I take in the scene. Mom and Kyle are both standing on the shaded back deck. Kyle has his arms crossed over his chest, his face stony, resigned, annoyed. Mom has her back to us, wearing a pale pink cotton robe, her manicured hand motioning in circles, her hair thrown up in a messy bun.


She's usually so put together, even after a rough night.

"How long have they been out there?" I groggily ask, trying my best to ignore the nervousness knotting my stomach.

Tommy shakes his head. "Like 15 minutes." He reaches over, grabs a Styrofoam cup and passes it to me. "Your boyfriend brought you this."

My eyes widen in surprise as I take it from him. Hot chocolate. Yes!
