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I shrug. Go ahead, asswipe.

He rests a hand on my shoulder, slips a finger into the collar of my pajamas, the contact of his skin on mine is tantalizing, warm, familiar. "Or better yet, why don't I go wake up my brother. Tell him how good I made you feel. How loud you moaned when I made you come all over my—"

"Don't you dare," I say through gritted teeth. Matt has enough on his plate. The last thing he needs is Kyle dropping another bombshell in his lap.

I turn to face him, to ask him what he wants from me, why he insists on tormenting me every chance he gets.

It's just…he's giving me this look. Like he can see all the hurt and confusion and sadness I'm trying so hard not to drown under. And every part of my body is begging me to let him save me. Over and over and over again.

So, I cave.

The truth tumbles from my lips. "I'm tired, Kyle. I'm tired of my heart hurting all the time."

He kneels beside me, cups my cheeks in his hands. "I know, Jenny."

"Then why did you sleep with her?" I ask quietly, feeling the weight of what he did crushing my chest.

I watch his forehead furrow, his eyebrows slant towards each other. "What are you talking about?"

I swallow hard, try to focus on what I should say next and not the way his brown eyes have those tiny gold flecks in them when the sunlight shining through the kitchen window hits him just right. Or the smell of his cologne, clean and dark and dangerous. Or the gentleness of his touch.

"The girl," I shake my head, my voice sounding weak, weary. "I called you Friday night. I called you to tell you I passed my driving test. Some girl answered and said you were in the shower."

Kyle closes his eyes for a moment, letting out a deep breath. "I was in Denver meeting up with Ben, my cousin. He brought his girlfriend with him. We stayed in a suite downtown and I showered before we went out to eat. I left my phone charging on the kitchen counter. I didn't think anyone would answer it. Jenny, I…" he trails off, rubs a thumb over my cheekbone. "I wouldn't do that to you. I thought that we...I thought that maybe we were starting something here."

I nod as the weight on my shoulders lessens a little. He didn't sleep with anyone else. He didn't touch anyone else. He's only been with me.

"I want you," he whispers quietly in the space between our lips. "Only you."

He leans his forehead against mine, gives me a small smile.

But I feel guilty. So guilty.

I kissed Matt.

Then, I was going to go on a date with him. I mean, I would have gone on a date with him if it hadn't been for Audra and her impeccable timing.

I should probably tell Kyle. Yeah, I should tell him right now before I chicken out.

But then we hear Mom open her bedroom door upstairs and the moment is suddenly gone.

Kyle quickly stands, crosses the kitchen, grabs a coffee mug from the cabinet, and starts pouring himself a cup.

"Morning," Mom says to me when she strides into the room dressed in a black, silky, long-sleeved blouse and matching dress pants. The long string of pearls she's wearing is knotted in the center and her golden honey hair is curled, bounces on her shoulders when she moves. She looks like she belongs on QVC selling jewelry to housewives and elderly ladies, not stuck in a tiny shop on Douglas Street with hordes of tourists shuffling through in their snow gear. I turn in my seat to watch her as she sets her purse down on the counter.

"Is Matt still sleeping?" Mom looks over at Kyle.

He takes a sip of coffee, leans against the counter. "I figure after the night he had, he should probably sleep in. He's going to tell my parents this afternoon."

"When did you talk to him?" I ask.

When did Matt have time to call Kyle? He was with me most of the night. I would have noticed if he was on the phone with someone.

"Right after he left Audra's," Kyle answers. "He called me, told me what happened, and asked me if I could come home and help him tell our parents."

I nod, try to figure out if Matt told Kyle he asked me out and kissed me. Kyle's stony features give nothing away.

I don't think he knows anything.
