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"I dated a few girls, but I never slept with them," he continues. "Hannah's friends started that rumor after I broke things off with her."

Huh. I was only 15 when that happened. I barely remember much about her except that she was pretty.

"What a wack job," I shiver against Kyle. He reaches for the sheet, tugs it over us, wraps me up in it.


I nod my head, snuggle closer to him. "I think I'm ready now."

Kyle doesn't say anything. He slides out of his boxers under the blanket, grabs my hand. When my fingers wrap around him, I inhale sharply.

It feels pretty big, kind of thick, but surprisingly smooth. I explore every inch of him with my hand, my fingers. The tip is velvety soft, slightly wet. With what, I couldn't even guess. Maybe I should have paid better attention in Sex Ed. As I work my way slowly back down, I can feel him getting harder and harder in my hand. He lets out a quiet moan when I squeeze him gently.

Then, he's throwing the sheet off of us, sliding my bra up over my head, eliciting a quiet gasp from me. His mouth finds a hard nipple and he sucks it, grazes his teeth over it, erotically licks it. He moves onto the other, does the same thing. It’s all happening so fast, but I like this speed.

My hips buck forward, my lower stomach throbs and muffled moans fall from my lips as his lips explore my body. Everything feels hot and sticky downthere and my body hums with desire, burning for a release I'm pretty sure only he can give me.

There's more licking and sucking and kissing as he makes his way down to the black thong I'm wearing. He doesn't ask if I'm ready, if I still want to go through with this. He just hooks his thumbs around the thin black straps on my hips and peels the underwear off me.

Before I can catch my breath, his mouth settles between my legs. My fingers find their way to his hair and my legs instinctively spread further apart.

When his tongue darts out, licks the sensitive bundle of nerves needing release, my lower belly floods with heat. Another lick. Then another. But it's not until he sucks my clit into his mouth, runs his tongue over it, that my entire body constricts from waves of pleasure and blinding bliss as everything goes black. Bliss. Orgasming from his tongue on me is pure bliss.

"Oh my God," I moan as my fingers tighten around Kyle's hair.




Chapter 14

He doesn't give me time to recover before his lips find mine, tasting salty, earthy. I'm out of breath, sated, somehow hungry for more. I didn't even know that could happen with his, well, down there.

Maybe I should have listened more when Fallon was describing her sexual experiences instead of tuning her out.

Kyle reaches over me to his bedside table, opens the drawer. I hear rustling, a wrapper tearing open, his body shifting on top of mine.

My limbs feel like jelly, my heart racing in my chest, his hardness digging into my thigh. Everything feels loose and hazy. Like I'm submerged in warm bath water.

Kyle lowers his toned, naked body on top of mine. Cupping my face, he peers down at me, intense, serious. "It's gonna be tight. Might hurt...uh...a little. Do you...are you..."

"Kyle," I interrupt his rambling. "I'll be fine."

He lets out a low laugh before kissing me again. It's slow, soft, sensual. The palm of his hand rests on my waist, the pressure soothing one moment, searing my skin the next. His lips find my jaw as he peppers light kisses down my neck to my collar bone. His thumb strokes lazy circles on my stomach.

This is really happening. Right now.

I run my fingers through his short hair, patiently waiting for him to move things along. I should say something. Encourage him, maybe? I don't know. I just know everything is wet and warm and achy and I need him to make it feel better.

"Kyle," I moan. "Can you...hurry this up a bit?"

He stops kissing me, chuckles into my shoulder before he lifts his head and teasingly says, "Eager, are we?"

I nod fervently. "Yes, very. I'm so…"

"Wet?" His fingers find my throbbing core, run a firm path along it, making me shudder from his tantalizing touch. "Mmhmm, very wet."
