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"Hi," Audra interrupts, making her presence known. She extends a friendly hand towards Kyle as she flips a long wave of oaky, brown hair behind her.

"Audra, right?" Kyle greets her, shaking her hand across the table.

She blushes, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink, matching the dress she's wearing. "Y-you know my n-name?"

I roll my eyes for what feels like the millionth time today. Sure, Kyle is incredibly handsome and sometimes charming, but I don't understand what it is about him that makes girls forget how to talk. Or breathe. Or just...exist.

Kyle rests an arm lazily across the back of my chair, grabs a strand of my blond hair, twirls it between his fingers. The gesture sends goosebumps up and down my arms.

A part of me wants to smack his irritating hand away.

The other part of me doesn't want him to stop.

I want to smack that part of me, too.

"Yep. Jenny told me," Kyle grins. "Over dinner at Bruce's."

Audra excitedly looks at me and comes to the wrong conclusion. "I can't believe you and Kyle Thompson are dating!"

Kyle stifles a laugh. Mortification floods my face as I close my eyes, straining to keep them from rolling.


When I open my eyes moments later, I see Matt's fists balled at his sides, a scowl distorting his beautiful face.

"Jenny and I are keeping it casual," Kyle plays along. "Taking things slow."

I pretend to gag myself as I grab my drink and begin fiddling with the straw.

"That's so sweet," Audra coos, her eyes still locked on Kyle. "You guys are the cutest. You know what? We should go on a double-date."

I want to throw up. Hurl my guts. Puke all over Audra's stupid pink dress.

I brush a hand teasingly up Kyle's leg, feel the heat from his lanky body warm my palm, watch his dark eyes shine with something I can't quite put my finger on. "Kyle doesn't like to share."

Kyle sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, and I feel my body shudder from how sexy he looks. His eyes darken with some need or want or desire I'm too afraid to admit to myself. My hand stops as I reach his upper thigh and dig my fingers into the muscle of his leg, hoping to inflict pain.

For a moment, I forget Matt and Audra are watching us. Forget we're in public. Forget he's probably going to see Sunny right after this for whatever it is they do when they're alone. Sex. Yeah, they probably have sex.

Instead, I will myself to keep breathing, to not acknowledge the hammering in my chest or the way Kyle's eyes hungrily slide down my face, my throat, to my chest.

"Knock it off, you two," we hear as Randy Thompson pulls out the chair at the head of the table, taking his place between his wife and Mom. I remove my hand from Kyle's leg. "You're either at each other's throats or finding new ways to annoy all of us."

Mom lets out a quiet shriek. "Oh my god! Do you remember the time they played the license plate game on the drive to Florida?"

Kyle and I both groan.

Matt, whose face is an angry shade of red, takes a seat across from me as Audra shuffles over to the seat beside him and plops down in front of Kyle. Matt didn't even introduce her to his parents.

That's weird, right?

"They were screaming out states at two in the morning," Diane rubs her temples. "No one could sleep."

"And that's why we fly now," Randy shakes his handsome head. Both of his sons inherited his dark eyes and golden-brown hair, but it was Kyle who also got his tanned skin and sharp, chiseled jaw.

"I'll have you know," I sit up straighter, reminded of my much-deserved victory, "that I won that game several hours later. Yes, that's right, I found both Hawaii and Alaska."
