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"What does that mean?" It comes out as a whisper, but he hears, his lips still inches from my ear.

"Oh, Jenny," he smirks, "I think you know what that means."

"I'm not going to sleep with you," I say so quietly I'm not even sure I've said it out loud.

He pulls away from me and sighs. "Famous last words."

Just as I'm about to yell at him, tell him off for being cocky and downright arrogant, I see his face break into a breathtaking, heart-stopping smile. He clutches his stomach, keels forward, and starts laughing hysterically.

"Your face," he manages to choke out between laughs, "is priceless,"—more laughter—"right now."

"Oh, just shut up," I snap as I try my best not to let the smile forming on my lips show.

God, he's so immature.

"What's so funny?" we both hear over the sound of Kyle's laughter.

I turn my head and see Matt standing on the other side of the table, Audra right beside him.

Oh, great. They're here.

Chapter 8

"What's so funny?" Matt arches an eyebrow, his warm brown eyes flitting between Kyle and me, making me take in the proximity of our bodies angled towards each other. From the outside, it might appear slightly more intimate than it really is. But it's just a friend, if you can even call Kyle my friend, comforting another friend in their time of need.

Well, I'm pretty sure that's what this is.

A surge of guilt washes over me when I finally look at my best friend. Really look at him. For the first time in days. His golden-brown hair is wind-swept, waves tousled in different directions. He's dressed in dark wash jeans and a grey pullover. He's so good-looking it hurts everywhere. My chest, my heart, my stomach. Even my hands, aching to touch him. But I can't. I can't.

He won't ever be mine.

He'll never love me the way I love him.

Then, I make the stupid mistake of looking into his eyes. Swirling pools of bronze I want to dive into, so familiar and deep. They rake over my face with intensity, an endless array of emotions rolling around in them. Guilt. Hurt. Longing.

He misses me.

It's written all over his face.

I feel a bubble of hope rising in me, but I quickly dash it, reminding myself he misses our friendship, nothing more.

The fact that I'm punishing him for realizing he didn't have feelings for me, and then being honest about it, only increases the deep remorse I feel. Maybe it's time to forgive him. To let everything go. To stop ignoring him.

What's that saying?

You can't help who you love?

I glance over at Kyle, no longer laughing. "Jenny was just telling me a hilarious story about the time she burned her tongue on a—"

"—cup of hot chocolate," Matt finishes, a small smile tugging at his lips. "She still can't feel that part of her tongue to this day."

"Scarred for life," Kyle winks at me.

"Har har," I roll my eyes. "You guys are so immature."

"Says the girl drinking a children's beverage through a straw," Matt motions toward the mug of hot chocolate sitting in front of me.

Kyle chuckles and I glare at him. He's not supposed to gang up on me with the enemy. He's supposed to be on my side.
