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Matt grumbled something under his breath as he stood and stalked off. I kept my eyes focused on Kyle. He was grabbing a few things from the backseat and putting them in the trunk.

I bit my lip before jumping up and walking over to him. His hair was longer then. It fell like chocolate waves across his forehead.

"What do you need, Jenny?" he quipped as he closed the trunk.

I chewed on the end of Matt's Slurpee straw. "Why aren't you going to Brown?"

Kyle chuckled. "Who told you?"

I turn to look towards the house.

"Matt," he deduced. "Should have known. He gossips worse than your mom."

"That's true," I agreed as I smiled up at Kyle.

He grabbed the Slurpee from my hand and took a long sip. "You really want to know why I didn't go to Brown?"

"Yeah," I replied as I swiped the drink back from him.

He crossed his arms over his chest, cocked his head to the side. "Because I didn't want to be 2,000 miles away from you."

I threw my head back and laughed. Only Kyle would mess with me like that. "You're hilarious. But seriously, why didn't you go there?"

"I already told you, Jenny," he winked at me before stepping around me and meeting Matt on the porch steps, grabbing a few stray boxes from his hands.

I walked back over to Matt and stood beside him. Kyle finished loading up the car before he strolled over to us, shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

"This is where we part," Matt jokingly offered.

Kyle shook his head. "Grow up, fuckface."

Matt placed a hand over his heart. "That hurt."

Kyle stood on the bottom step as he hugged his brother. "Don't get into trouble. I'm not here to bail you out."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Matt shrugged.

He hesitated before sliding over, standing in front of me, our eyes level. It was the first time I noticed the rich color of his brown irises. Beautiful, hypnotizing, gentle. He looked surprised when I leaned forward and wrapped an arm around his neck. His arms found their way around my midsection as I inhaled his expensive cologne.

It lasted a few seconds, but he pulled away first. "Goodbye, Jenny."

"Bye," I quietly replied as I licked my lips. "Drive safe."

Matt and I stood side-by-side as Kyle climbed into his car. He rolled down the driver's side window, stuck his hand up in the air and waved as he backed down the driveway.

We watched him go, Matt's arm thrown lazily around my shoulders.

When he was gone, everything felt different.

I've been sitting in the parking lot, staring at the door of our apartment for the last two hours. I don't know if I can face what's on the other side of it. I don't know if I want to. If I want to open the door and acknowledge the truth.

He's gone.

He left me.

He made me fall in love with him and then he ripped the rug out from under me.
