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I made Kyle vow to never speak of that moment again or else I'd slit his throat in the middle of the night. He didn't think I was being serious, but he agreed to keep it just between us anyway.

"I hate getting up this early," I lie. "Especially on a Saturday."

Kyle slams on the brakes, thrusting me forward. I put a hand out on the dashboard to steady myself.

"Dickhead," I hear Kyle mutter under his breath before rolling down his window. "Move your car, fuckface."

"I need to talk to you," I hear Matt's voice. He doesn't sound good. Kind of like the time we were on the spinning teacups at Disneyland, and he hurled his guts the moment we got off the ride. I lean back in the seat, praying he doesn't notice me or wonder why Kyle's in our driveway this early in the morning.

"I'm busy," Kyle coldly returns.

"It's really important," Matt pushes. "Kyle, I fucked up so bad."

"Then find a way to fix it," Kyle shakes his head. "I have an appointment I'm late for."

I can't see Matt as I hide myself behind Kyle, but I can hear the panic in his words. What did he do that was so bad? And why is it suddenly so hard to breathe in this small car? Great, now my palms are sweating profusely. I can't believe I'm still letting Matt affect me like this. But he did sound worried. I'm still his best friend. I can care a little, can't I?

"You're an asshole," Matt hollers at Kyle before I hear his footsteps receding.

"So I've been told!" Kyle yells after him.

Once the window is rolled up, l let out a deep breath. "I don't think he saw me."

"What does it matter?" Kyle airily asks, but I notice there's a tinge of bitterness laced in his words.

"I just don't want to deal with him," I explain. "He's been bugging me all week to talk to him."

"Are you going to tell me why you're so pissed at him?"

I tuck a blond strand of hair behind my ear subconsciously. "He kissed me. Then he said he didn't want to ruin our friendship."

Kyle looks over at me from the driver's seat as he coasts out of the driveway, shifts the car into drive and starts down the pine tree-lined street. "I think there's more to the story."

"You can think whatever you want," I retort, defensively crossing my arms over my chest. "He doesn't want me that way. I'm getting over it."

Kyle rubs his clean-shaven chin with the palm of his hand. "You wanna know what I think happened?"


"I think Jenny Kearns finally opened herself up to the possibility that someone might actually have feelings for her, and my piece of shit brother freaked the hell out," Kyle incorrectly guesses.

"Wrong," I quip as I turn on the heated seat. Even in late March, it's freaking cold on this stupid mountain. "Matt is dating Audra. He likes someone else."

"Audra Jenkins?"

"The Audra Jenkins," I him in response.

"She's decent. I personally don't care for brunettes," Kyle responds, winking at me. "Blonds are more fun."

I ignore his immature teasing and mull over Matt's words. I fucked up so bad. What could he have done to make him freak out like that? Better yet, what could have been so bad that he was seeking out Kyle of all people for help?

"Why did you blow Matt off?" I ask as Kyle reaches over, turns the heat up.

His face fills with confusion, like the answer should be obvious to me for some reason.

"He sounded pretty bad," I push, drumming my fingertips on my jean-clad thighs.

"He didn't spend two hours watching you cry over him last night. I did. I'm kind of pissed at him about that," Kyle honestly responds.
