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I slip off his lap, my chest feeling heavy and achy. He's never rejected me like this before and I don't really know what to do with myself.

"I'll just be downstairs." I wrap my arms around my midsection, wonder what's gotten into him.

Maybe he really is cheating on me.

I don't know what else it could be.

I take one last look at him from the doorway, wondering where the guy who told me he was afraid he'd get too attached when he took my virginity went.

Guess the joke's on me.

I'm the one who's too attached now.

Chapter 50

It's Thanksgiving break. And Kyle stayed behind Wednesday night while I drove Danny's truck back to the mountain. Alone. Supposedly a last-minute art show popped up and he had to stay an extra night in Boulder to get ready for it.


My mood has been a lot like the stupid clouds today. Grey, gross and gut-wrenching.

"Jenny!" Mom yells from the top of the stairs. "Get the door!"

I roll off the couch, tighten my robe around my waist, trudge over to the front door while I wipe the cookie crumbs from my chest. Someone's been ringing the doorbell on and off for the past few minutes, but I didn't feel like moving from the spot I claimed by the fire. With rations. Mrs. Henderson’s chocolate chip cookies.

"You bitch," I hear as I swing the door open.

My face morphs into a smile. "I've missed you."

Fallon shakes her blond head, crosses her arms over her chest. "Audra's pregnant? With Matt's kid? And Diane has a brain tumor? Fucking hell, Jenny. You could have told me."


"I'm the worst best friend in the history of best friends," I hang my head in shame.

She strides into the house passed me, turns to face me. "You are the fucking worst."

She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tight. "Anything else I should know?"

I exhale deeply as she lets me go. "I live with Kyle and I'm working for him."

"Fuck me," she rolls her piercing green eyes. "Why? His dick can't be that good."

Tears prick my eyes. "I've really missed you."

"Of course you did, Jenny," she smirks before frowning. "Now, why do you look like shit?"

I let out a tired laugh. "I'll make hot chocolate. It's a long story."

Fallon catches me up on her new life in Boston while I stand over the stove, whisking chocolate and milk together. The design program she's in is challenging, but she's doing well. Straight A's. Typical Fallon. She's fallen in love with the city and has been dating a guy that's a few years older. It's nothing serious, but she likes that he's mature and in a band. Music is his focus, so he doesn't always have time for her. She claims his unavailability makes him mysterious and intriguing. Not entirely sure I feel the same way, but she's happy so I'm happy for her.

We settle on the couch by the fireplace, hot chocolate in hand, as a light snow begins falling outside, dusting the trees in white.

"So, you live with Kyle I-have-a-magic-dick Thompson?"

"Why are you always so crude?" I shudder as I grab a blanket off the back of the couch and drape it over my lap.

She laughs as she brings the mug of hot chocolate to her lips. "Tell me what's going on."
