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“I'm sorry I haven’t told you how I feel about being in Boulder,” I swallow hard, try to hold back a few stray tears. “It’s not because being with you is awful; it’s because I miss home. I want to help with your mom. I want to be here for everyone and I’m not. It’s been hard for me to go to school and work and be so far away from everything happening here.” Kyle’s thumb rubs small circles on my hand as he keeps his eyes locked on mine. “You know, I’ve never known anything except for life on this mountain. I’ve always lived in the same house, traveled down the same roads, lived in a place where I knew most of the faces. It’s going to take a little longer for me to get used to my life there now. I want to be there. I want to be with you, but it doesn't change how much I miss this place."

Kyle nods his head. “I felt the same way when I moved to Boulder.”

“You did?” I ask, surprised.

“Yeah,” he gives my forehead a chaste kiss. “It took me a few months to get settled, but then Joe and I connected, and I started hanging out at a little coffee shop before the owner moved and closed it down. I know I'm busy, but if you need to talk, I'll always make time for you. You're my priority."

"I will from now on," I assure him.

We both stare at each other, softness and gentleness sparkling in his chocolatey-brown eyes. "I love you, Jenny."

"I love you, too." I lean forward and press my lips to his. He tastes like coffee and mint and home.

As he deepens the kiss and pulls me closer to him, I know we can get through anything.

Because we love each other.

Because we chose each other.

Because even as much as I miss the mountain and all the people on it, wherever Kyle is, that's where I want to be.

Chapter 49

"Our six-month anniversary is coming up," Kyle whispers as his fingertips trail lightly over my bare stomach, waking me from the restful slumber I’ve been craving.

"How early is it?" I groan, rubbing my eyes with my palms and ignoring the goosebumps erupting all over my bare skin. The only thing I can see is the faint outline of the window, faded yellow and soft. Everything else is shrouded in darkness. "The sun isn't even up yet."

"I've been thinking about how we should celebrate," he ignores me as his fingertips slide further down my torso, my breath hitching in my throat from the feel of his hands on me. He chuckles against the side of my face, his warm breath tickles my cheek.

"Kyle," I whine, "it's too early." And it is.

"It's after six," he mumbles in my ear as he scoots closer, his fingers dipping between my legs, caressing my inner thigh, his hardness digging into my leg, wet and throbbing.

“Still too early," I moan as I slowly spread my legs for him.

Against my will, of course.

I can’t control my body when he’s this close.

"I'll make it worth your while," he hums beside me before he crawls down the bed, settling between my legs on his stomach.

His warm mouth finds my center, his tongue slides a lazy circle around my clit, making my hips buck into him. His arms wrap around my thighs, holding me firmly in place. He flicks, kisses, plays as I writhe and twitch and shake from his very, very talented tongue.

My fists grip the white sheets as I bite down hard on my lip to hold back a moan. Joe's home for a few days and sleeping in the room next to ours. But Kyle's so good at this. Too good. If they gave Olympic medals in...well, whatever it's called he's doing down there with his tongue and...oh, his finger just slid inside. And another. He pumps and twists and curls them and I can't even remember what I was saying. Everything feels warm and hazy and dream-like as I give in to him, to his touch, to his demanding mouth.

Oh yeah, he'd definitely win a gold medal in this.

He sucks and licks and gently bites, teases and taunts and tickles me. It doesn't take long before my legs are shaking, shuddering, trembling as I explode all over his tongue, not even caring about the noises coming from my mouth. Loud, guttural, primal.


Guess I'll try to be quieter next time.

Kyle nips my hip bone as he lifts himself up, repositions on top of me. The room lightens from the rising sun, and I can make out his messy hair, his arm muscles, the way he smiles down at me.


He's so beautiful and handsome and mine.
