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"Seriously, why didn't you guys wear yours?" Matt tires again. "I sent it in the group text."

"We don't read those," I respond. "You send too many memes, so I blocked the messages."

"Jen," he scoffs. "That's harsh."

"And I don't even look at my messages unless it's from Dad or Jenny," Kyle shrugs beside me.

"You guys look so lame as a cop and robber," Matt feigns annoyance. "It's super original. What are you planning on doing with those handcuffs later, Jen? Arresting Kyle?"

"Shut it, fuckface," Kyle warns, looking extra mean in his black garb with a matching mask tied across his eyes.

"That's not a bad idea," I wink at Kyle. "Thank you for that suggestion, Matthew."

"You guys are gross," Matt groans.

Kyle's hand reaches over the center console and rests on my bare thigh. His touch is warm and gentle and comforting. It still sends flutters straight to my heart.

It snows every Halloween on the mountain without fail. Freezing temperatures, mounds of white and shivering trick-or-treaters. Except for this year. It's unseasonably warm and dry, which is creepy and spooky and weird. The only thing missing is a full moon.

We're headed to Bruce's for their annual All Hallow's Eve party. Somehow, everyone bailed on us except for Matt. He's third wheeling while Audra stayed behind to pass out candy with Diane. Danny and Nora invited Mom and Dad last minute to the boys' Trunk or Treat at their school. Randy didn't want to get dressed up, so he plopped in front of the TV to watch the news.

I think it's safe to say we have an incredibly small social circle.

"How's Boulder, Jen?" Matt asks from the backseat.

"The same," I answer.

"And school?"

"Harder than I thought it would be."

"And work?"

"It's work," I reply.

"Sounds...awful," Matt chuckles.

I nod my head and, without thinking, say, "It is sometimes."

Kyle's hand tightens on my thigh. "You being in Boulder is awful sometimes?"

I swallow hard. "Um..."


"Oh no," Matt exhales heavily from the backseat, "is there trouble in paradise?"

"No," I quickly respond as I keep my eyes on Kyle. "It's just been a huge adjustment. I'm still getting used to it. That's all."

Kyle's fingers tense on my leg, but he doesn't say anything else. And neither do Matt nor I for the rest of the car ride.

We have to park two blocks over, trek along the storefronts handing out candy to witches and Disney characters and ninjas.

Matt high-fives all the kids as we pass by, making me laugh. Kyle grumbles beside me, nagging about how immature Matt is.

"Oh, have a little fun," I laugh as I join in, high fiving the kids with their pillow cases and plastic shopping bags and buckets full of candy.

It's Halloween, after all. We get a night off to have a good time.
