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"You know—" I start.

"Kyle?" we're interrupted.

We both turn our heads, and my heart quickens in my chest.


His ex-girlfriend, Hannah.

Shoulder-length, white-blond hair. Big brown eyes. And pretty pink lips.

"Hey," he clears his throat.

I expect him to let go of my hand, but he doesn't. He keeps it in his, moves them from his chest to his lap.

"I heard about your mom and I'm just so sorry," she says as she places a hand over her heart. Ugh. She sounds all genuine and nice and sincere.

I hate her.

Wait, am I allowed to hate her? She has seen him naked...touched his body...had sex with him...

"Thanks," he nods his head awkwardly.

"I didn't mean to interrupt your date," she offers me a weak smile. When she looks back over at Kyle, her eyes light up and her hand reaches out and gently strokes his bicep. "I just wanted to offer my condolences."

"No worries. We're not on a date," Kyle tells her. "Jenny and I were just picking up pizza for everyone."

Her head snaps back to me. "Jenny Kearns? The little neighbor girl from next door?"

Excuse me?

Little neighbor girl?

Now, that's just insulting.

"Not little anymore," Kyle sheepishly grins at me. His free hand finds my thigh and he gives it a little squeeze.

"Wait," Hannah looks between us. "You're like...together?"

"Yeah," Kyle answers. "Jenny's my girlfriend."

Hannah throws her white-blond head back and laughs. "Oh my gosh! This is the same girl who used to play with Pokémon cards?"

Oh. My. God.

I knew that would come back to haunt me.

"I don't play with them anymore," I quickly explain. "I didn't play with them. I-I collected them."

And, as if things couldn't get any worse, I see bouncy brown curls striding over to us.


Please, universe, kill me now.

She greets Hannah, gives her a hug then turns to face us. "Hey guys! It's so good to see you. I can't believe you're still together after all this time. Guess Kyle wasn't joking when he said you were the best cock sucker on the mountain, huh, Jenny?"

My mouth involuntarily drops open in shock, her vulgarity never ceasing to amaze me. Kyle chuckles before winking at me.
