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Tag takes his hand, then quickly drops it. "How do you know Audra? Are you an ex-boyfriend or something?"

Matt chuckles. "Yeah, something like that."

"We're trying to eat here," Tag says forcefully. "Do you mind?"

Matt's hand rises to his mouth, his pointer finger lays against his lips. "I do mind."

"Please, Matt," Audra begs. "Can we talk about this later?"

Matt nods slowly. "Sure, Audra. But what do you mean by later? Did you want to talk at home in bed tonight? Or on the way to our gender reveal party tomorrow? That's still my kid you're pregnant with, right?"

Audra's face turns a dark shade of scarlet. "Are you finished?"

"Are you?" he challenges her. "Because last time I checked, you're a two-faced, lying—"

He's cut off when Tag stands and punches him in the face. Audra sits frozen in place, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

Kyle and I both slide out of the booth and run over to Matt, who's spitting blood onto the faded red carpet.

Kyle grabs Matt's arm and lifts him up. "You alright?" he quietly asks his brother.

Matt nods as he rubs his chin. "I'm fine."

Tag turns to face the curious restaurant patrons and announces, "Nothing to see here, folks. Just a misunderstanding."

When he turns back around, Matt swings his arm and punches Tag square in the jaw.

Audra screams and Kyle grips Matt's arm. "Stop. He's not worth it."

"Yeah," Tag smirks from the floor, "that's what all pussy-whipped men say."

Kyle's fist flies so fast though the air, I don't see the punch he lands on Tag's already bruising face.

Audra sniffles beside me as we wait outside. All three boys were carted down to the local jail because Bruce, the owner of Bruce's, wasn't happy they were throwing punches in his place of business during the dinner rush. Can't say I blame him.

Randy arrived a few minutes ago to sort things out while Audra and I found a calmer, less tense place to sit. We plopped down on the worn, blue bench in the shade out front.

"I've made a mess of everything," Audra exhales as she cradles her baby bump in her arms.

I reach out a hand, squeeze her arm lightly. "Maybe just a little."

"Jenny, I..." her body sags and she dabs her wet eyes with her fingers, "I wanted normal for a little while. Before I'm pushing a baby out and breastfeeding and changing diapers and up all night long. I'll be juggling school and a kid. My life isn't going to be my own anymore," she half-laughs, half-sobs. "I love this baby more than anything, but I'm starting to miss my life before Matt. It was easier and I didn't have all this pressure to get it right. I have to be responsible now and put my child first. I'm determined to do things better than my parents did. All I wanted was a few weeks to date and flirt and have a good time before I don't get to do that anymore."

My heart feels heavy in my chest. "I thought you loved Matt, though?"

She nods her head and wipes her snotty nose. "I do. But there are things you can't possibly understand."

"I think I understand more than people give me credit for," I shrug.

She takes a deep breath and fresh tears coat her cheeks.

"Late at night," Audra whimpers, breaking my heart in two, "when he thinks I'm asleep, he gets on Facebook. He goes through your pictures, Jenny," she lets out a stifled sob and every bone in my body aches from the sound. "I know you guys aren't talking and he's so angry with you, but he loves you. Like really loves you. It scares me. How do I stay with him knowing I'm his second choice?"

Her lip quivers and my heart rips and shreds and tears. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to tell her that I don't have the answers.

So, I lay my head on her shoulder and say the words I think she needs to hear. "Give yourself some grace, Audra. Things tend to work themselves out in the end."
