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You're dead to me now, Jen.

I wrap my arms around myself. "Matt said some pretty awful things to me."

Kyle slides his arm behind me. "I heard."

I blink back tears. "I miss playing basketball with him."

"Have you talked to him?" Kyle asks as he glances around the restaurant.

I shake my head beside him. "He's staying with Audra."

Kyle frowns and gestures towards the entrance. "Then who's that?"

Audra has her arm looped around Tag's as they wait to be seated. She sees Kyle and me, gives us a huge smile and waves.

"That's Tag," I grimace. "Her other boyfriend who doesn't know about the baby."

We both watch as Audra and Tag are seated a few booths down from us.

Carrie, our mousy waitress who graduated the same year Kyle did, brings us burgers and fries. She sets them down on the table and gives Kyle a coy smile. Her cheeks flush pink when he doesn't notice and, instead, leans over and kisses the side of my face.

We dig into our burgers, the sound of Audra's laughter permeating the space. She keeps throwing her head back, giggling at whatever Tag is saying. I place my burger back on the plate, clench my fists.

Breathe, Jenny. Breathe.

I'm not sure who I feel sorrier for: Matt or Tag. One guy is holed up in her room at her lonely mansion, convinced she's carrying his child and choosing him. The other one is totally blind to the subtle bulge along her waistline and the carefree image she's been perfecting while skipping through town on his arm.

I can't really be mad at her, can I? I mean, didn't I do the same thing? I kissed Matt while Kyle was MIA but, in the end, I chose Kyle and asked Matt to move on. I didn't date them both at the same time.

I don't like whatever game Audra's playing. It's not going to end well for anyone involved.

"Matt's a big boy," Kyle says quietly beside me. "Don't interfere."

"Am I like her?" I ask as I peer up at him. My eyes hot and itchy.

Kyle's face falls. "Why would you think that? You're nothing like her."

"I did the same thing," I argue.

"No," Kyle replies firmly. "You weren't pregnant and you didn't string anyone along. You made your choice and you stuck to it." I open my mouth, prepared to disagree with him, but I feel goosebumps on the back of my neck when I hear Kyle say, "Shit," under his breath.

I turn and see Matt fuming as he passes by us, stopping in front of Audra and Tag's table.

Uh oh.

"Matt," Audra greets him. She appears suave and laid-back, but I can see the panic thumping through her chest, settling in her eyes.

"You said you were going out to get food," he coldly replies. "I thought you and him were over."

I can only see the back of Tag's blond head, but it stiffens immediately.

"Who is this guy?" Tag leans across the table and asks Audra.

"Yeah, Audra," Matt crosses his arms over his chest. "Who am I?"

She looks up at Matt, pleading for discretion and understanding. He shakes his head. He's not going to give her what she wants. Seems to be his M.O. these days.

Matt sticks his hand out in Tag's direction. "I'm Matt."
