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Reluctantly, I slide out of his embrace, open the door and toss my bag inside. But Kyle's hands find my arm and he tugs me back to him. His lips capture mine. He kisses me slowly at first before pressing me up against the side of the truck and devouring me.

We kiss as the afternoon fades into evening and my lips are swollen and red and tingling. I almost beg him to let me stay one more night. But I swallow the words as my throat dries and my chest quivers at the thought of spending any length of time away from him.

"Two weeks," I say as I climb into the truck and shut the door. I turn on the engine, crank the window down.

Kyle's forearm rests against the door frame. "Call me if you get tired or bored. It's a long drive up the mountain."

"What if I just miss you and I need to hear your voice?" I pout, getting lost in the golden flecks of his brown eyes.

"Definitely call me then," he smiles.

I kiss him one last time through the open window before slowly backing out of the parking spot.

Regretfully, I leave behind the boy I love as I head home.

But it's not my home anymore.

Because as my heart throbs and aches and tremors beneath my rib cage, I realize Kyle is.

Kyle's my home now.

Chapter 32

Bang, bang, bang!

I almost drop my cup of hot chocolate as I stand from the couch, startled. I throw my book down, place the mug on the coffee table and hurry to the front door.

Bang, bang, bang!

"I'm coming!" I yell as the door creaks open and see Matt standing in front of me wearing blue jeans and a grey T-shirt.

He strides into the house, his fists balled. His face is red and his shoulders are locked with tension. He really needs to take care of that.

Maybe see a chiropractor.

A masseuse.

Get laid.

"What the fuck, Jen?" he spits as he whips around, facing me. His coppery brown eyes are focused on my face, his mouth scowling as he sends icy glares my way.

Oh crap!

He knows about Kyle.

That must be why he's so pissed off.

I slam the door shut, cross my arms over my chest. "Don't talk to me that way."

He shakes his head. "What way?"

"Don't say that word to me," I furrow my eyebrows. "You don't get to walk in my house and cuss at me."

"Well, why the fuck would you tell Audra she should go on a date with some guy?" he hollers as he closes the distance between us.

I take a step back, hit the wooden door behind me.

