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"Harder," I moan into his mouth as he kisses me.

Then there's just the sound of his skin slapping against mine, my moans and his grunts. When I can't handle a second longer, his fingers find my clit and he rubs firm, tantalizing circles over it. He tells me to let go and we both come undone at the same time. He twitches and pulses and throbs inside of me and it feels so good. Too good.

He lays on top of me for a moment, catches his breath, kisses my forehead and cheeks and closed eyes. My arms wrap lazily around his neck as our lips meet.

When he pulls out, I pout, not ready for him to put space between us.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuuuck," I hear Kyle saying.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I lift myself up onto my elbows, still in a daze, peer down at the space between our legs.

The condom is obliterated, latex hanging like a white flag from his glistening length.

"The condom broke."

Chapter 31

Kyle tears the broken condom off, tosses it to the ground. His arms find mine and he pulls me into him. "I'm so sorry, baby."

I shake my head against the crook of his shoulder, still trying to recover from the dopamine coursing through my body. The fact that he just called me baby instead of Jenny makes my heart stop beating momentarily, steals the breath from my lungs.

"That's never happened before. I...I don't know what do," he struggles to get the words out.

"It's fine," I tell him as I let out a small laugh, hoping it eases the tension in his jawline.

Kyle's eyebrows slant forward as he looks down at me. "It's not fine. I fucked up. I've never had that happen before. Didn't even realize it could..."

My hand runs through his sweaty, damp hair before leaning back, propping myself up onto my elbows. "I went to the doctor on Thursday."

Kyle's eyes darken, panic and terror line his face. "What did you go to the doctor for?"

"Birth control," I answer "I got this copper IUD thing that's non-hormonal. I have to go back in a few weeks to make sure it's still in correctly, but it works instantly. I can't get pregnant."

His dark head slumps against my chest, his heart pounds violently against my stomach.

"And even if I didn't have it," I continue, kissing the top of his head, "I'm supposed to start my...uh, period in a few days. I'm not ovulating."

Kyle lifts his head, gives me a confused look. "What does that mean?"

I clear my throat. "When I found out Audra was pregnant, I got a little nervous about that happening to us...I mean me. Happening to me. So, I started tracking my cycle. There's only like a few days you can actually get pregnant during the month. Well, if your cycle is regular like mine seems to be. I should have already ovulated, but my doctor said it's still a good idea to wear condoms. For extra protection."

Kyle kisses the tops of my breasts, along my chest, my collarbone. His lips skim over my neck, until he reaches my jaw. He peppers open-mouthed kisses along it, his fingertips tracing a lazy trail up my stomach. I inhale sharply, feel everything clench inside me as he teases my bare flesh.

"I love you, Jenny," he whispers before he presses his lips lightly to mine. "I hate thinking I was irresponsible with you. I...I don't want to be that guy." His fingers distractedly circle my stomach. "You know I'll always take care of you, right? If something like that ever happened, I'll be here. I won't run away."

I nod my head, my breath hitching in my throat from the way his hands trace my skin, and his breath tickles my cheek and his body arches into mine.

I lift my hand, gently stroke his face. I understand what he's saying.

He's not Matt.

"I know," I tell him. He's nothing like his brother. He's responsible, decisive, honest.

Kyle kisses me once more before he sinks into the mattress beside me, his face and body and voice exhausted as he tells me to come closer. He wraps his arms around me, and we both settle in for the night, the faintest trace of coral dancing across the sky out the window in the distance.

And then my eyes close, the sound of his beating heart lulling me to sleep.
