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Once we're sated, our fingers find one another, and we walk through the campus I'll soon call home. Red-roofed buildings, landscaped lawns and mountains in the background. It's all so beautiful, but nothing beats the view beside me. Dark brown hair. Lively, chocolatey eyes. Addictive lips. It's all too much and I can't help myself when I stop him in the middle of the deserted campus, wrap my arms around his neck, stand on my tippy toes and kiss him.

He doesn't hesitate. He kisses me back with fervor and need and longing.

A few girls pass by. Maybe they're here for summer school. Or they work here. I'm not sure. But they giggle and whisper and gawk at us. Kyle chuckles against my lips before he kisses my forehead, grabs my hand and leads me over to a tree, away from prying eyes. He walks me back until my backside digs into the rough bark.

His hands roam all over my body as he kisses me in the fading afternoon light. It's sweet and muggy and carnal.

I just want him.

All of him.


"Kyle," I say into his lips, his fingers teasing the soft skin above my jeans. "I'm so wet."

It's uncomfortable and sticky and I need...release. His fingers dip into my jeans, under my purple silk underwear, slide through soaking folds, run over the center of me.

My hips buck into his as he slowly strokes me. "We c-cant do this h-here."

The corner of Kyle's lips tug into a crooked smile. "Why not?"

I swallow nervously, glance around at the empty campus. There's no one in sight.

"What if someone sees?" I whisper, my cheeks flaming with heat.

"No one's around," he quietly assures me as his fingers pick up speed, flick and tease and taunt.

"Cameras," I blurt out. "What if there are security cameras? I can't start my college career as an amateur porn star."

Kyle's fingers slow and he gently removes them from my jeans. I feel my face frowning as he cups my cheek. "Let's finish this at home."

"Did I upset you?" I weakly ask, hoping my aversion to, uh, public sex isn't a huge turnoff.

He shakes his head. "No. I don't want you to do anything you're not comfortable with."

I nod my head, grip his biceps with my hands. "I... I'm not ready for that."

"Amateur porn star," he smirks down at me. "You're something else, Jenny Kearns."

I hide my face in his shoulder, try to stifle my laughter. "My mom would kill me."

"And me," he adds.

We laugh as he grips my hand, leads me down the walkway.

The water-color painted sky is splashed in violets and burnt oranges and golds as we hurry back to Kyle's apartment. We sidestep groups of people congregating in front of shop windows and hurry across the street, weaving between cars and bicyclists and dog-walkers.

When we finally reach his apartment, he pushes me up against his bedroom door, kisses me hungrily, teeth and tongues and lips smashing together as we strip our clothes off.

And the need to have him inside me, our bodies connected, is ripe and feral and demanding as I climb onto his bed.

He grabs a condom, slides it on and then settles between my legs.

"I'm gonna go a little faster this time," he tells me as he guides himself towards me, slowly nudges his way inside. We both moan as he fills me completely. I'm full and stretched and satisfied. "Let me know if it hurts, alright?"

I nod my head as my fingers trace his smooth skin.

He pulls himself out then thrusts back into me over and over. It's harder and faster, more brutal than before. But it feels so good. Better, more sensitive, slicker.
