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"That's all right, I understand. I think it was very kind of you to spare him like that. I will do my best to stay out of your way. I just need to look at a few things and ask you a few questions. I will try to do it as unobtrusively as possible. As far as Wofie is concerned, I am a potential patient/friend just trying to get to know everybody."

I nodded nervously. "Okay, that sounds good."

I was lying, of course—none of it sounded good. I knew it was part of the process, but that didn't mean I wasn't any less freaked out. I had to credit Reagan, though, she was cool as a cucumber.

"I'll need to look around the residence. If Wolfie asks, I just needed to use the restroom, okay?" she asked.

"Right, got it." I moved over to Wolfie and Reagan's organization of his Pokémon characters. I didn't even know if this was an official order, but Wolfie seemed to have a system for who went where, and I was forever trying to figure out what that was. Reagan, meanwhile, had it all figured out and sorted through them quietly with him without any issue.

I sat down and started asking questions about his methods, trying not to constantly look towards the hallway toward Ms. Abrams.

She wasn't gone for long, coming back down the hall and glancing thoroughly over the various aspects of the table with us.

She asked Wolfie what he was doing, and he explained his organizational system and how Aunt Reagan was helping him. "If you don't mind my asking, how do you know Wolfie?" Ms. Abrams asked Reagan.

"Well, I knew his mom, and she asked me to take care of some legal things for her since I am a lawyer. And—"

"And Aunt Reagan and Uncle Adam are in loooove," Wolfie broke in giggling.

It was completely unexpected. Reagan and I had talked extensively about how to approach this, but we decided that less was more. Wolfie was used to having Reagan around. He knew that she and I were good friends, and he loved her, and we didn't want to confuse him more with everything else going on. We kind of played down the whole "fake engagement thing" to him while telling all the adults around us.

A week and a half before, Miss Abrams had called my office and done a phone interview with me, just asking me some basic questions. I had mentioned that Reagan and I were engaged. She'd been intrigued by this information, but I explained to her that I hadn't gotten into too much detail about what an engagement was to Wolfie because of everything else going on. It had seemed like a satisfactory answer to her, and I was grateful that she didn't press, even after Wolfie's strange outburst. "Is that right? Well, love is a great thing, isn't it, Wolfie?"

He nodded. "Yeah, I love Uncle Adam and Aunt Rea, so I'm glad they love each other."

Tears pricked my eyes, and when I caught Reagan's gaze, I could see that she was holding back tears herself. Then, I could see her turn pale. "Excuse me, I just need to go use the restroom," she said, rising from the table and hurrying down the hall.

I smiled awkwardly at Miss Abrams.

"Is she okay?" she asked, concerned.

"Touch of stomach bug she's still getting over," I explained.

Miss Abrams just nodded and didn't question further. She stayed for a while and talked casually enough with all of us while still getting plenty of information. Thankfully, Wolfie seemed unfazed.

By the time she left, Reagan had managed to engage in a conversation with her about learning how to surf in southern California. And I was reminded again about how smooth Reagan could be when she wanted. I didn't think for a second that she was trying to win over Miss Abrams, as she was the one who told me that we just needed to be as natural as possible, but I could see that she was steering the conversation that way, figuring that it might relax me.

"Thank you for letting me spend the afternoon with you all. It was nice getting to know everybody," Miss Abrams said pleasantly as I walked her to the door.

I stepped outside the door, closing it softly behind me, leaving Reagan and Wolfie at the table as I faced Miss Abrams. "Thank you for taking the time to come visit us. I hope you got the answer you needed."

She just smiled and said, "I think I did. I'll be writing up my report, and they should be sent to the judge sometime in the middle of next week." She shook my hand and then walked away without another word.

I walked through the door and let out a long breath, looking questioningly at Reagan. She just smiled, and somehow, with that one look she gave me, I felt instantly better. It had gone okay, and I felt good about where we stood at this point.

I had been so consumed with the visit from Ms. Abrams that I almost forgot about the conversation that I needed to have with Reagan about the pills I had found. At this point, however, there was no way I was going to try to start a conversation with Wolfie still awake. I would have to bide my time. Every second I had to wait was killer.

I watched Reagan carefully at dinnertime, and I noted how many times she rushed to the bathroom—and it seemed like I had my answer. It didn't change the fact that we needed to talk about it.

Later, after Wolfie fell asleep, I came to sit on the couch with Reagan. She had turned on the game and was idly scrolling her phone as I sat down next to her.

I looked at her profile for a long moment before I finally cleared my throat. "Hey, I don't really know how to approach this, so I'm just going to lay it all out there—Wolfie and I accidentally knocked over your purse earlier and a bunch of stuff fell out…including a bottle of prenatal vitamins." She looked up sharply, and judging by the look in her eyes, I had my answer. If I'd had any doubt before, I didn't any longer.

"So, is it true? Are you pregnant?"

She blinked rapidly. I could see a couple of tears already threatening to spill over. She shook her head. "This is not how envisioned this going down, Adam."

I had to laugh. "Yeah, well, I guess the whole last couple months of our lives is not how I envisioned any of it going down, but we're here…and pregnant?"
