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So, I did what I always had when I was freaked out and didn't know what to do. I clammed up. I didn't talk to Amy or Lucy, and I didn't talk to my grandmother or my dad. And I most certainly did not talk to Adam. I just kept walking by that pregnancy test, and I kept it to myself.

I just needed some time to figure out what the right thing to do was. I just need some time, I kept telling myself.

Chapter seventeen


"Wow…just wow. I was not expecting that," Brian said into the phone.

I laughed. "Yeah, well, I wasn't expecting to feel this way," I admitted.

In all of the melee of everything going on with Wolfie, I hadn't been talking to Brian as much. He checked in periodically to see how I was holding up in my situation, but I had failed to mention just how involved Reagan was. I knew there were no lingering feelings from either one of them, but I still hadn't been looking forward to sharing with Brian how I was feeling. At this point, however, it had to be said. I called him up and laid it out for him, and his response was understandably shocked.

"I appreciate you telling me," Brian said awkwardly.

"Yeah, I know this is weird. And I hope you don't feel uncomfortable with it."

"Listen, just because it didn't work out between me and Reagan doesn't mean that I don't know that she's a beautiful, intelligent, funny woman. In fact, I can't believe I didn't realize sooner how perfect she is for you, but saying that out loud, it makes sense now," he said.

"Well, I'm glad to have your blessing then."

"I don't know what I'm more shocked by, honestly: the fact that it's Reagan or that you're wanting to put down roots at all. I guess having the whole family thing going on really changes things, huh?"

"It has, but having Reagan around changed things for the better. I never knew I wanted this, but now, I can't imagine my life without either one of them, and I don't want to, man."

"And Reagan feels the same?"

"I think she does, though she's still fighting me a little bit. She's got some hang ups that I'm not going to get into, things from her past."

"Yeah, I knew there was some weird stuff that happened between her parents. She never got into it with me, but nothing like your parents to screw you up, right?"

I laughed. "Tell me about it. But that's exactly what I want to avoid with Wolfie. I want to make sure he has a stable home with people who love him and always put him first."

"I know you'll always do that, man, and if Reagan's involved, I know she will, too. I wish you the best of luck, and you know if you need anything from me or just to talk, I'm here. I know you're busy with your new life, but don't forget about your best friend," he joked.


I felt relieved after my conversation with Brian, as I hadn't realized how much I'd been worried about that until we were done. I felt like another boulder had rolled off my shoulder. Now, if I could just get the annoyance of this Ms. Baker off my back, things would be going really well.

As far as the Reagan situation, I was trying not to worry about it too much, but it felt too damn good to have her in my arms most nights. What had started out as just Friday nights spent together had quickly morphed into most nights. And I'd warned her more than once that I was prepared to put up a fight before I let this all go. I couldn't be sure, but I couldn't help but feel like she was starting to realize that, too.

Lately, she had been a little quieter, a little more reserved, and I was starting to suspect that she could see the writing on the wall. I just didn't know if she was trying to tamp down her insecurities once and for all, or if she was trying to figure out how to let me down gently. I was ready to fight for her, though, just like I was ready to fight for Wolfie.

Speaking of Wolfie. "Hey Wolf-Man? Are you ready to go? We still need to go pick up your aunt Rea."

We had plans to go to the park that morning and feed the ducks and then take Wolfie to a natural history museum close by. I'd been a little skeptical about the museum part, but Reagan had assured me that there were exhibits that would interest Wolfie, so I was going to trust her on that.

We were running a little late getting to Reagan's apartment, but when she answered, she still wasn't quite ready, which was unlike her. She looked a little green around the gills. "Are you okay?" I asked her, concerned.

"Yeah, yeah, I think I just ate something bad. But I'll be good to go, just let me finish getting ready," she assured both of us.

I watched after her, concerned, as she went down the hallway towards her bathroom, but I had the task of keeping Wolfie occupied for however long it took her to get ready.

We had a running game going anytime we had to wait somewhere for Star Trooper battles. If we were in a restaurant, usually, we'd find some straws or utensils to sword fight with, and I could see Wolfie eyeing the contents of Reagan's living room, trying to find something to choose as a make-believe weapon.

He disappeared around her kitchen counter. He came out with a paper towel roll that he must've pilfered from her recycling bin and looked at me challengingly. "Are you ready to battle, Uncle Adam?"

I looked around frantically, trying to find something suitable before finally settling on the remote control. We dueled around her coffee table, gently whacking the remote to the paper towel roll and taking points. We chased each other all over that living room and around the kitchen.
