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Cheri nodded at me with a small smile, looking doubtful. "Reagan? Do you think she'll back off easily?"

I shook my head. "I don't know," I admitted. "There's no need for us to get worked up now. She may just be coming in hot, but maybe we can calm her down and make her see the situation for what it is. If she truly wants what's best for Wolfie, then we won't have a problem. But if you're right, and we do have a fight on our hands like you say, then they have messed with the wrong uncle and honorary aunt."


By the time I got off the phone with the lawyer for Miss Baker, I had chewed every nail, and I was pretty sure I cracked one of my back molars with as hard as I was grinding my teeth.

The nerve of that woman.

I had some strong suspicions about Miss Baker, who'd heard about Wolfie's inheritance and got greedy because there was really no other reason for her to take such an interest.

She had been an aunt on Ronnie's mother's side, her non-Rollins side, who had only seen Ronnie a few times in her life but claimed to know the true intentions of Veronica Townshend's heart, especially when it came to her child.

The woman claimed that Adam was nothing but trouble and that she would set about to prove it. What was more, she went into extensive detail about how Adam was not to be a trusted conservator of Wolfie's estate. In fact, the bulk of the conversation centered around Wolfie's estate. Every time I tried to steer it back to Wolfie's well-being, Miss Baker and her lawyer managed to drag it back to his inheritance, how it would be dealt with, and how some doctor that worked in the grungy part of Brooklyn could hardly be considered an appropriate choice for such a role.

Not only did I not like what the lawyer was spitting out law-wise, but I also didn't like those people, period. Even though it probably wasn't so, I couldn't help but think more than once that I could practically hear the heavy breathing that came over the line every time Wolfie's healthy inheritance came up.

Threats of child protective services were thrown about, and I assured them with authority that they could go down that road if they thought it necessary because my client would be more than ready, but more than that, I implored them to think about the hardship they would be putting Wolfie through unnecessarily.

It was not met with any kind of sympathy, which not only hurt my heart, but it made me want to kick a hole through a wall. I nearly did just that when I hung up on them.

"Well, none of that sounded good," Cheri commented.

"Nope," I said with a frustrated sigh. "We need to find out everything we can about this woman—I'm not sitting on my ass on this one. If she thinks she's going to take that little boy out of a home that he has grown to feel safe and cared for in, she's got another thing coming."

Cheri grinned and clapped her hands together. "All right, I love it when you turn into a legal shark. There's blood in the water, look out, here you come," she encouraged, laughing.

I rolled my eyes at her with a smile. "I just don't know how I'm going to tell Adam. I don't want him to be blindsided, but I am not looking forward to it."

"I don't blame you. I don't know if this is a conversation you want to have over the phone, especially as close as you seem to be with the formidable Dr. Rollins lately," she said with a lopsided grin.

I looked at her, alarmed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mm-hmm, play it down all you want, Reagan. But I've known you for a while. Tell me, how many orgasms has the good doctor prescribed you lately?" she teased with a smile.

"Cheri," I hissed, hoping she wouldn’t press for more. "I don't kiss and tell," I told her trying to make light of it.

"Girl, who said anything about kissing?" She asked.

I laughed, grateful for the moment of levity.

I sobered as I remembered the task at hand. "I guess I should go rip off this band-aid and tell him what's going on," I said and sighed.

"Just assure him that he's in good hands because he is— and not just the hands you’ve been giving him when y’all have knocked boots," she said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes at her as I gathered up my stuff. If this had been any other client, I would be having this conversation over the phone, but I couldn't drop this metaphorical bomb on Adam like that. I'd listened just hours before as this man comforted a crying Wolfie. I'd cried tears myself at knowing that not only was Wolfie heartbroken, but so was Adam.

So, as much as it pained me, I would have to face Adam this morning and let him know about Miss Baker. "Wish me luck," I said to Cheri as I headed towards my door.

"Reagan, haven't you figured it out? He's nuts about you. You don't need luck."

I laughed off her words, but they hung over me as I rode down to Brooklyn towards Adam's office. Adam had made it clear that he was having stronger emotions about us being together. I had been chalking this up to everything being turned upside down in his life. I thought maybe he was clinging to me as a form of strange comfort because he was familiar with me. He knew what to expect from me.

But what if Cheri was right? What was more, what if I really did feel the same way? That couldn't be possible. I'd never felt that way about anybody before—and it scared the shit out of me.


"Miss Miles, it's so nice to see you again." Adam's secretary smiled at me as soon as I came through the door.
