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The man definitely knew how to kiss, that was for sure. The memory of the way his tongue had tasted against mine had me in a daze as I unlocked the door to my apartment.

I wandered around my apartment, doing the typical routine that I always did before I went to bed, with the exception of firing off a quick email to the law firm that I would be a little bit late in the morning due to some "personal business."

I had almost typed out "family business," but thought better of it.

The next morning would be awkward, to say the least. Yet, at no time did I consider canceling it. Wolfie had asked for me to be there, and dammit, I was going to be there for the kid—frustrated from the sexual tension with his uncle be damned.

I changed into my pajamas and scrubbed face cream onto my face and briefly considered calling Lucy and Amy, but I forced myself not to. Scrunching up my face, I examined myself in the mirror.

"Really, Reagan, how did you manage to get yourself in such a fine lather?" I muttered to myself.

I longed to hear the comforting voices of my friends and have them help me make sense of this. But somehow, it seemed too private even for them at the moment. I was still reliving the kiss in my head, feeling both embarrassment and euphoria at the way he had felt against me. If I hadn't pulled back when I did, it would've led to much more than just a kiss. I couldn't quite decide if I was disappointed by this or relieved that I had called it off before things went too far.

I didn't flip through the channels like I normally did at night. Instead, I just slipped beneath my covers and turned off the lights, allowing my mind to go over the image of Adam, the sound of his voice…the way he felt. I didn't try to talk myself out of it or jerk my attention elsewhere. I let him take over everything for a while. And when I did, my hands inevitably found themselves trailing down my skin. I shoved my T-shirt up and my pajama shorts down and let my fingers play at my mound as I remembered how he had felt against me, hard and ready.

Things were so different now. I wasn't just coming out of a relationship with his best friend. We weren't completely at odds with one another. We had a shared interest. Would that change the way things would go down between us between the sheets?

I couldn't help the nagging feeling that just made things more intense. I let my mind wander back to Adam's bedroom and imagined myself falling to my knees before him, taking in the sight of his beautiful body. Rubbing myself furiously to the mental image of his lust-hazed eyes, tracking my movements as I loved him with my mouth, I pictured myself taking him into my mouth, sucking him and reveling in how he tasted. I imagined him spearing his fingers through my hair and cupping the back of my head, holding me close, making me take more of him in. The idea was exhilarating, and it made my fingers move faster and faster over my clit. My hips bearing down into the mattress, I tried to find purchase as they bucked up. I rode out the waves of my orgasm.

I laid there for a long time, catching my breath, my heartbeat thumping in my ears and trying to empty my mind of the very images that just made me come so hard. I watched the ceiling fan whirring above me, trying to just focus on the silence and darkness of the room.

If I just focused on my breathing, the way that Lucy had taught me, then maybe I could get Adam's voice out of my head.

Breathe in. Breathe out. What was that buzzing noise?

Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked over to see my phone lit up.

Just ignore it, Reagan.

I tried to focus on my breathing again, and then, I couldn't take it. I sat up in bed and snatched up my phone, seeing that I'd got a text message from none other than the man who just made me orgasm…even if he didn't know it.

Adam: I'm hoping you'll still be there for Wolfie in the morning, despite everything that happened. Here's the address to his school. Drop-off time is at 7:30.

Below his text was a link to Wolfie's school. I wasn't sure why he was texting me the address. I had given him this information myself and helped him register Wolfie. But then again, I supposed he was just making sure I would still be there.

I typed several messages and then deleted them before I sent them out. I had never been speechless before, but Adam Rollins seemed to have that effect on me.

Frustrated, I sent him a thumbs-up emoji and sent it out before I could stop myself, even though I instantly regretted it, clenching my teeth in embarrassment.

"What the hell, Reagan?" I put the phone back on my night table and rolled away from it. Any sense of self-control and self-assurance seemed to be out the window with Adam, and I hated it. Yet, I could not wait to be around him again.


The next morning, I threw myself into my routine of getting ready and mentally rehashing the cases that I would be working on for that day.

I had a to-do list a mile long, but my first priority was making sure that Wolfie made it to school okay. I had taken part of the morning off to not only ensure that his first day of school was successful, but to also investigate my idea for his after-school surprise.

I had found a spot in Brooklyn, a place called the "Pokémon Café." Supposedly, it not only had games and memorabilia, but you could also grab burgers and drinks. It seemed right up Wolfie's alley. After deciding that pretending like the kiss hadn't happened and forging ahead as usual, I texted a link to the café to Adam, asking him if it sounded like a good idea for Wolfie's after-school surprise.

Much to my chagrin, he texted back a thumbs up emoji.

"Well, I guess that's appropriate," I mumbled to myself as I gathered up my things and headed out the door. I left a little early to make sure that I could beat the traffic to Brooklyn and managed to arrive at Wolfie's school at 7:15.

I looked around, but there was no Adam or Wolfie to be found. Pacing in front of the school building, I watched as parents dropped off their kids and checked my phone nervously. Not too long before 7:30, Adam and Wolfie pulled up, rushing out of Adam's car and up the steps.

"Aunt Rea, you're here!" Wolfie said, throwing his arms around my waist and giving me a hug.

I hugged him back and told him, "Of course, where else would I be, buddy?"
