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After Lucy went home, I decided to call it a night and patted myself on the back for not texting Adam.

All the worrying throughout the day must have worn me out more than I thought, because I fell asleep surprisingly fast that evening. But my sleep would not be restful, for Adam paid me a visit in my dreams. And this time, it wasn't worry and comfort he was seeking. Instead, he was looking for the warmth of my body, and I gladly handed it over to him again and again. I awoke with a start, my hand shoved down the front of my panties, working myself into a frenzy. When I woke up to my dark room by myself in such a state, I threw my head back and growled out my frustration. And then, I let my mind wander to the dream I just had. I could practically feel his mouth on me, the way he expertly worked his fingers inside of me, and how just the thought of looking into his eyes made me flush all over with heat that felt like it would incinerate me. Yet, I still wanted more. I worked myself into a frenzy until I orgasmed and mumbled his name into the pillow.

That orgasm should've relaxed me. I should've found myself drifting off to dreamland yet again. Instead, my worry over Adam and Wolfgang just seemed to renew itself. I couldn't help but wonder how their first night together was and if everything had gone smoothly.

In the name of comforting myself so I could get back to sleep, I promised myself that I would call him first thing in the morning. That would be a perfectly professional thing to do, after all. Check in on them to see how they were adjusting and if Adam had any other questions about the legal process… at least, that's what I told myself.

Chapter six


I could hear the clock ticking on the wall as Wolfgang sat in the middle of my couch, looking up at me solemnly. We had been sitting there awkwardly for what seemed like forever, though it was probably only a couple of minutes. Beyond our quick bonding over belching the alphabet, our conversation had been stilted. I was struggling to come up with the right things to say, but then, I remembered what Reagan said to me, that it wasn't going to be perfect and that I just needed to do my best.

"You hungry?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Do you like pizza?" I asked him.

His eyes lit up, and he nodded fervently. "All right, now we're getting somewhere. What do you like on your pizza?" Another nervous shrug. "Fine, I'll tell them to put the worms, the spider eggs, and mud…"

Wolf giggled. "No, that's gross." He looked thoughtful for a moment. "Pepperoni and sausage," he said quietly.

"All right, one extra-large pepperoni and sausage pizza coming up, my man," I said, getting out my phone to order. As I was doing so, Wolfgang got off the couch and wandered over next to the bookshelf. He stared up all the books and the various trophies and knickknacks that I had. When I finished with my order, he pointed up to a hockey trophy. I won it a couple of years before as a part of a league I used to be a part of. With my medical practice up and going, I had to drop it due to a lack of time. "What's that, Uncle Adam?"

Uncle Adam? That was different, and it would take some getting used to, but I liked the sound of it. "That's my hockey trophy," I said, coming up behind him and pulling it down for him to get a closer look. "Here you go. Just be gentle."

He looked at me with interested eyes. "You play hockey?"

"Yeah," I told him. "Do you play any sports?"

"I played soccer last year," he answered.

"We'll see? There you go. Hockey and soccer are a lot alike, except you do it on ice skates and use the stick to help you knock the ball, which in this case is a puck, around. I can teach you if you want," I offered. Had I just offered that? But I knew he probably wouldn't be staying with me long enough to do that. I felt a pang of regret in my chest at the thought. This kid just couldn't catch any breaks, and I couldn't help but want to promise him the world, even as I knew it wasn't wise to make promises I couldn't keep.


After we both devoured the whole pizza, I was about to tell Wolfgang that we needed to go out and pick out a bed for him to sleep in, and then, I would put it together for him. But he patted his full tummy and looked at me and announced, "I'm tired."

"Oh, yeah, I bet, kiddo. You've had a big day. I was going to take you out to pick out a bed, but I suppose we can wait to do that till tomorrow," I said, my mind scrambling. I didn't want to just park the kid on the couch. I supposed I could give him my bed while I slept on the couch, but then, an idea came to mind.

"Hey, hold on a second, Wolfgang," I told him, turning towards the hall.

"You can call me Wolfie," came his soft reply behind me. I turned to him then, giving him a big smile.

"Wolfie…I like the sound of that," I told him before turning back towards the hallway and rushing towards one of the hall closets.

Ten minutes later, I had an air mattress fully blown up in the middle of my living room. I pushed the coffee table over to the side and presented it to Wolfie like I was Vanna White. "Ta-da," I told him with a smile. He looked at me dubiously, and I looked down at the bare mattress. "No, you're right, it's kind of lame. What could make it better?" I said, thinking to myself out loud. A lightbulb went off in my head. I snapped my fingers together. "I know," I exclaimed and rushed back to the hall closet, digging around the messy piles of things until I located what I was looking for.

I knew I'd hit paydirt when I saw Wolfie grin at the sight of what I had pulled out. Once it was all assembled, Wolfie had a grade A fort. I'd remembered I still had a tent from last year's camping trip I was supposed to take. The tent was the perfect size for the air mattress to go inside, and Wolfie was thrilled.

He happily crawled inside and started whipping Pokémon cards that Reagan had given him out of his pocket. I went to the kitchen to clean up our dishes and did a little dance by the fridge over my victory. It only took a few minutes for me to get everything cleaned up. "All right, buddy, you probably need a bath. Let's get you a change of clothes, and I can run bath water for you," I said, heading over to the tent, but Wolfie was already passed out, clutching his Pokémon cards in his hand, his little face cherubic in sleep.

"That's all right, buddy," I whispered, "you just rest." I grabbed a blanket from the couch and draped it over him, then looked around helplessly. What did I do now? I decided to lay out on the couch for a while, just making sure that he was okay. But as I told Wolfie, it had been a big day, and the weight of it pulled at my eyelids. I was asleep myself before I even realized it.


"Mommy! Mommy!"
