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I could hear her sigh over the phone. "If you insist, Reagan. All the same, I'm coming over. I know how hard you've taken this news. Sounds like you've been through an emotional roller coaster today. We need to have you in a safe space with a licensed counselor, which would be me, so we can explore these emotions."

"If by exploring, you mean drown myself in ice cream and/or alcohol, then I'm all for that," I answered.

She laughed. "Those don't really go with my tenants of betterment and healing, but I can make an exception for you," she said with a smile in her voice.

Part of me was glad that she was coming, but a part of me also just wanted to be left alone. But as worried as I was about Wolfgang and Adam, it would be nice for Lucy to be there. She would definitely serve as a distraction.

By the time Lucy came over, I was worn out from worrying over those two. They had been alone together for maybe six, seven hours, and I was fighting the urge to call Adam to check in on them. There'd been several times throughout the day I'd reached for my phone and typed out a text, only to delete it. I didn't need to be jumping all over Adam, he was nervous enough, and I needed to give the two of them time to get acquainted with one another. Still, I couldn't stop the worry. Wolfgang had just gone through so much, and Adam was seriously freaked out.

"Is this about the little boy, or is it about your one-night stand with Adam?" Lucy asked.

"Of course it's about the little boy…and Adam, I can't really pretend that that doesn't factor in somehow, but I do really feel for this kid, Lucy. I mean, can you imagine what he must be going through?" I asked her miserably.

She looked at me for a long moment with a faint smile on her lips.

"What?" I asked her defensively.

She shook her head. "Oh, nothing. I just think it's funny how you put on this no-nonsense persona, but underneath that, you're just a big old softy."

"I am not. Take that back," I insisted.

She laughed at that. "Do you know what I'm talking about, Rea? You're worried about this little boy, but you're forgetting that Adam is a very efficient adult. I mean, he got through med school for God's sake, and for all his worries, I have a feeling he'll do just fine."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense," I mumbled, not wanting to fully admit that she was probably right.

"You know I'm right," she said, seemingly reading my mind. I hated it when she did that. "But there's something else, isn't there?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I sniffed.

"Come on, Reagan. You've been mooning over Adam longer than it took you to get over Brian," she pointed out.

"What are you trying to suggest? That I'm fast?" I argued, knowing damn well that she wasn't, but I didn't like the direction she was taking this conversation.

"You know I would never suggest something that outdated. I'm just saying, there seems to be more feelings for Adam than anybody else I've ever seen you with. Maybe there is more to that night you spent with him than you want to admit?" she suggested with her eyebrows raised.

"It was just a night, Lucy. I'll admit that it was a night of amazing sex," I conceded.

She barked with a laugh. "That's putting it mildly, at least, if what you described was any indication."

I shrugged. "I didn't think I got into that much detail."

"Please, after that description I rushed home to Sam, and we tried to reenact it. It was pretty hot unless you were lying," she drew out the last word.

I looked at her sharply. "I was not, though, sometimes I wish I had been."

"See? That right there, this back-and-forth with you. Normally, you would just be thrilled to have had an amazing night of sex. The fact that you wish that hadn't been the case tells me that there's something else underneath that. Whether you like it or not, Reagan, the universe conspired to bring you two together that night, and the universe has conspired to bring you two together again," she said with a knowing expression.

"That's ridiculous. It was just a coincidence," I said, then bit my tongue, not wanting to listen to another diatribe about Lucy's views on there being no such thing as a coincidence in this world.

"You know my feelings on that," Lucy said. "Come on, think about it. You two had your big night together after your breakup. You don't see each other for months, don't have any reason to, and then, this of all things happens? I mean, what are the odds?"

"I really don't want to think about this being some way for the universe to conspire getting me and Adam together, not at the expense of Wolfgang."

"Well, no, of course not. I could see that," she admitted. "Still, I find it interesting that you two are back in each other's orbit. Do you know his birthday? I bet anything he's an earth sign," she said, looking thoughtfully off into the distance.

I sighed. Lucy was a hopeless romantic, so of course, she was only going to think we were meant to be together just because we happened to have mind-bending sex together. And I couldn't deny that. I did think about those times frequently, but there was something much more important going on now. Wolfgang's scared expression kept flashing in my eyes and tugging at my heart. I had seen some sad cases over the years in my line of work, but this was the first time it'd affected me so deeply. I couldn't quite wrap my head around why.

I managed to get Lucy off the trail of Adam and Wolfgang for the rest of the evening. I asked her about the new developments in the organization that she ran. Lucy was the head of the health and wellness division of her husband's tech company. They were one of the first companies of their kind to include such a division, thanks to Lucy, and because of that, their company's employees reported it as one of the best places to work in the United States. She filled me in on the latest phone call she'd had with Amy, and I made a mental note to reach out to her and thank her again for her advice— which, of course, led me to thinking about Wolfgang again, not that he'd ever been far from my mind...or Adam.
