Page 99 of Champion

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“Dude,” Ally deadpanned. “The tumbleweeds are passing us.”

I scoffed. “There aren’t any tumbleweeds in the metroplex.”

“There will be by the time we get there,” Ally said, getting in a funny punch line.

“So, is everything okay with you and him?” I asked, chuckling softly.

“Champion told him that he’s my father.” Ally sounded irritated.

“And that bothers you?” I asked.

“He’s treating me with kid gloves instead of boxing ones,” she mumbled. “It sucks.”

Oh dear.

“So, did anything interesting happen between you and my dad,” she asked.

“Yes.” I started to tell her about Champion continuing to play football, but she cut me off.

She exhaled heavily. “He’d better not have asked you already.”

“Asked me what?” I wasn’t following her.

“Oh shit. Nothing. What were you going to say?” she asked.

“Champion isn’t going to retire,” I said. “He just signed a contract.”

“Did you hear that, big guy?” Ally asked.

“You have your phone on speaker,” Zack said drolly. “That’s great news, Champ. Congrats.”

“Thanks, man,” Champion said, and I put my phone on speaker too. “What’s your ETA?”

“A few more minutes,” Zack said. “Despite what Ally said.”

“Great. We’re not too far away. We’ll stop by the pool area, then meet you where they have the presser set up. Keep Ally company for me until we arrive. Yeah?”

“You got it.”

“Bye, Dad, Mom,” Ally said like a goof, giggling as she ended the call.

“She gets comedic funny when she’s nervous,” I said to Champion.

“Babbles a lot too, she told me.”

He turned onto the drive for the luxury hotel that took up a hundred acres of land not far from Simon’s place, given the speed Champion was driving. He seemed in a hurry for some reason.

“But why would she be nervous with Zack?” Stopping the vehicle at the front circle by the valet stand, Champion shifted and gave me a questioning glance.

“Probably because of the press conference,” I said evasively. I was sure that made Ally nervous. It wasn’t my place to tell Champion that Ally was attracted to his best friend.

A valet knocked on Champion’s window.

Opening his door, he got out and passed the guy his fob in exchange for a ticket. He rolled down his sleeves and put on his jacket before rounding the hood of the Navigator. Watching him, my glittering eyes revealed my fascination.

“Ready?” he asked. Popping open my door, he offered me his hand.

“To look ridiculous in front of the world.” I wrinkled my nose. “As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” Taking his hand, I stepped onto the running board and then the pavement.
