Page 97 of Champion

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I didn’t give the guy Electra’s last name, but I wasn’t surprised that he knew it. Simon made it a point to know everything about everyone on his team, not because he cared, but to use it to manipulate. With all the publicity circulating around me, he didn’t even need to dig. He likely saw her name while scrolling through his news feed over his billionaire breakfast of milk and flaked dollar bills.

“Hello, Mr. Champion.” An attractive middle-aged brunette in a black suit that skimmed her figure stood.

I’d seen Mary Timmons backstage at the Super Bowl celebration alongside Charles Morris, the silver-haired gentleman with the piercing ice-blue stare. They were both record label executives, not nearly as well-known or as affluent as Simon, but close. They were forces to be reckoned with in the music industry like Simon was in his.

“Nice to see you again,” Mary said with her silver gaze on me for a long and assessing beat before she focused on Electra. “I don’t believe we’ve met.” Her expression warming, the Black Cat Records exec’s heels rang on the marble floors as she crossed to my girlfriend. “I’m Mary Timmons.” She held out her hand.

My girlfriend. I liked the sound of that. She shook Mary’s hand.

“I’m Electra Miller. Nice to meet you.”

“You seem familiar.” Mary tilted her head, her short brown hair skimming the tops of her diamond-studded ears. “What do you do for a living?”

“She’s an exotic dancer at Fantasy, a gentleman’s club in Dallas.”

Simon came forward, as did his brother. Both men had the same ice-blue eyes, similar heights, and the same designer suits stretched over their formidable frames. Simon was younger by several years, his hair jet-black without any gray.

“Nice to meet you.” Charles held out his hand to Electra. “I’m Charles Morris. The older and better-looking brother to that rude asshole.” He hooked a mocking glare at Simon.

“How long have you been dancing?” Mary asked Electra.

“All my life,” Electra said. “But nearly three years now at Fantasy.”

“She’s the headliner,” I said proudly, throwing my arm around her. “But she’s retiring from center stage soon.”

“Ah.” One of Mary’s black brows rose. “So, if I wanted to see her perform, my chances are limited.”

“Yes.” Electra nodded. “I’ll only be doing choreography for the other girls once I finish training my replacement.”

“Speaking of retirement,” Simon said, pulling his calculating gaze from Electra and fixing it on me. “I’d like to talk to you in my office. See what I can I do to convince you to reconsider yours.” His black brows rose to an inquiring height.

“In just a moment.”

I stalled, wondering why Carl wasn’t here yet. However, Mary’s interest in Electra gave me an idea. One I wished I had thought of sooner.

“Electra is an upper-echelon dancer. She was awarded a scholarship to Juilliard right out of high school. But she lost it when she lost her entire family in an automobile accident.”

“That’s terrible. About your family.” Mary’s silver eyes filled. “I’m so sorry to hear that.” She reached for and squeezed Electra’s hands. “My condolences.”

Electra nodded. Both women’s eyes were shiny.

“I’ve never seen anyone dance like Electra.” My throat tightened, and witnessing their emotion, I swallowed. “If you had some time while you’re visiting the metroplex, I’m sure she would be glad to demonstrate her talent.”

Electra shot a fiery glance my way, but I ignored her fire for once. I was going somewhere with this. She would just have to trust me.

“I imagine someone high up in the music industry like you is always looking for fresh new faces with incredible talent like hers.”

“We are,” Charles said, studying Electra with a keener focus.

“I believe Champion was addressing me,” Mary said to Charles before refocusing on me. “And the answer is absolutely.”

“Did you intend to exclude me from seeing a demonstration of Electra’s talent, my dear?” Charles exchanged a glance with Mary that made me imagine sharpened swords clanging together.

“I’d be happy to perform an interpretive number for both of you. Despite Champion putting me on the spot.” Electra had her gaze on the execs as she slid her arm around my waist and pinched me beneath my jacket. “I think it would be fun. I could even tailor a number to a song by a recording artist from your studio.”

“Ahem.” The butler reappeared. “Mr. Knight has arrived. I’ve escorted him to your office, Mr. Morris.”

“Great.” Simon gestured. “Shall we?”
