Page 83 of Champion

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I was gazing at the evidence. A pearl of precum on the tip tempting me, I swept the curtain of my hair aside and lowered my head.

“I love you, baby.” He groaned when I licked him.

“Right back at you.” I glanced up at him through my lashes.

His fingers at my waist flexed in anticipation. The taut, hungry look on his handsome face made my clit quiver.

Experiencing hunger of my own, I licked more glistening slickness from his slit. Tasting the saltiness of him, I felt wetness rushing down my inner thighs.

I gripped him at the base. Pumping my hand over the velvety steeliness of him, I wrapped my lips around him.

“Electra,” he said on a groan. “Fuck, that feels good.”

I couldn’t speak, but I praised him with my mouth.

He gathered my hair in his hands. Tugging, he showed me the punishing pace he wanted. That turned me on, and I nearly came from hearing the barely restrained sounds he made.

“No more,” he said far too soon. “I want to come inside you.”

I wanted that too. So badly.

Releasing his cock after one last long and languid lick, I lifted my head. “You taste so good. Salty, musky, manly.”

“You’re very good at that,” he said darkly.

“Not difficult to worship your cock, Champion.” My lips curled with feminine satisfaction.

Without warning, he sat up, lifted me, and flipped me onto my back.

“Champion,” I said, breathing hard.

I loved his strength and the delicious weight of his hard body covering and pressing me into the mattress. Reaching for his handsome face, I brought his mouth to mine. He kissed me, and I kissed him back, mingling our flavors. Sweet, hot, and spicy, we were perfect.

He got busy. His hands went everywhere, caressing and shaping. He tugged my aching nipples and ran his fingers down the length of my body that strained for the fulfillment only he could give me. Finding me wet, he glanced up at me.

“Is this all for me?” he asked.

Unable to speak, I only nodded.

“Beautiful, baby.”

He praised me and worshipped me with his lips. There was no fumbling around. He palmed my pussy, tugging to pull the hood back from my clit.

“Oh.” I breathed fast, my fingers tangling in his hair as he put his mouth on me. “Oh yes.” My grip flexed rhythmically as he licked and sucked with just the right speed and pressure.

He lifted his head and swiped his tongue across his glistening lips. “I need inside you.”

“I need that too.”

Back on his haunches, he tugged on his amazing cock a few times while I watched the show, pulsing with anticipation. He lowered his weight to his hands. I grabbed him, bringing him to where he belonged. I moaned when he drove his slick length inside me.

He stretched and filled me. One determined stroke after another, he took me, took us to a place where nothing else mattered. Just him and me and this unrelenting need.

“Champion.” I grabbed his ass and held on. “Don’t stop.”

“Can’t stop.” Thrust by thrust, he built it higher.

“Yes!” I lifted my hips. Taking him deeper, I started to pulse. “Oh yes!”
