Page 80 of Champion

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“You see me through rose-colored glasses, El. I love that, and I love you, but it’s okay. I’m not looking for a lifelong companion.” She made a face. “Except with you and my dad, of course.”

“Don’t close yourself off to the possibility.” If I were taking risks, she could too.

“Don’t worry about me.” She shooed me with a hand gesture. “I’m comfortable being who I am. The daughter. The single best friend.”

“Okay.” I didn’t push her, or I didn’t right now.

Walking down the long corridor, I noticed four empty bedrooms along the way. They were decorated nicely like the guest room Ally had chosen, but they lacked the personality she had already given hers by filling it with her presence and throwing her colorful scarves around.

Turning down the shorter hall, I neared Champion’s room, and my heart sped up.

I hadn’t forgotten what he had whispered into my ear. But stepping inside his room, I realized that his whispered plan would have to wait. In only a pair of gray boxer briefs, he was nearly naked. The access was there, but he was on the phone with someone. Seeing me, he held up a finger.

“No, Simon.” He shook his head. “This isn’t a ploy to get you to throw more money my way, pun intended. I took your team to the Super Bowl. It wasn’t my first one. Professionally, I’ve achieved all I set out to. I’m just not sure I want to return for another season.” His brow furrowed at whatever Simon said, his gaze continuing to hold mine. “I have personal priorities that take precedence in my life right now.”

My heart leaped in my chest.

“No, I can’t.” His blue eyes narrowed. “I have plans for breakfast tomorrow.” He listened, then sighed. “All right. Give me some time to look over your last proposal. I’ll come by your place in a week.” He nodded. “Okay. See you then. Good night.”

He removed the phone from his ear and ended the call.

“How’s Ally doing?” he asked before I could say anything.

“She’s fine,” I said. “She likes her room.”

“Good.” He crooked his long fingers. “You’re too far away.”

My lips curved. We were only separated by a few feet.

“Come here,” he demanded.

I went to him. My heart and my body were his to command.

“Sir Cat?” Framing my face, he searched my eyes. “He doing okay in his new place?”

“Yes, you’re looking out for all of us. Aren’t you?” I smiled. “I love you.”

“Of course I’m going to take care of you. When you find what you’ve been looking for your whole life, you protect it.” His expression intensified. “I’m not going to ever take the miracle of my daughter or you for granted.”

Framing my face, he swept his thumbs over my cheeks. I searched his eyes, finding only sincerity, and thinking he was the miracle, not me. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to mine.

Desire that ebbed rose, flooding my veins with heat. I reached for his large hands and peeled them from my face. Keeping one, I led him toward the bed, and he sat.

Grabbing the belt on my robe, he tugged me closer. I’d showered in his master bath before checking on Ally, and I wore only a thin chemise beneath the robe. My nerve endings were tingling. My nipples peaked against the silk. Between my legs, I was already wet. I needed him. I wanted his hands all over me, but I stopped him.

“I want to give you pleasure.”

“What did you have in mind?” he asked.

“You,” I said. “I want to worship you. With my hands, my mouth, my tongue.”

“Not opposed to that idea.” His gaze darkened.

“Let me lock the door.” I let him see the hunger in my eyes. “And then I’ll demonstrate.”

“Okay, baby.” He let me see his hunger too.

I shivered as I turned and crossed the room. Closing the door, I clicked the lock.
