Page 57 of Champion

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“Come faster,” she demanded.

I wanted to spank her sassy ass, so I climbed into the bed, flipped her over, and did just that.

“Oh, fuck.” She moaned. “I felt that in my clit.”

She panted as I smoothed my hand over the sting and kissed her pink skin. I flipped her over and the scarf unwound from her wrists. She grabbed my face and brought my mouth to hers, kissing me as if she were on fire and needed my tongue to extinguish the flames.

I kissed her back, not to smother the flames but to make them—us—burn hotter. Sucking her sweet tongue into my mouth, I made her whimper. Ripping my lips from hers, I snatched her greedy little hands before she could reach my cock.

“No, baby.” I lifted her hands over her head and pressed them into the mattress. “Keep them there.”

Tugging down the lace cup covering one perfectly rounded tit, I fastened my lips around her aching nipple and lashed it with my tongue. She watched me through lowered lids, her breaths choppy as I did the same thing to the other side.

I lifted my head to look down at her, getting another erotic image that I would have paused to savor, except I was too close. She was too. Slipping her hands free, she brought my mouth to hers again.

“You drive me crazy,” she murmured. Kissing me ravenously, she nipped at my lips.

“Ditto, E.” I took over the kiss. Pumping my hips, I dragged my hard cock across her wet pussy.

Twisting her head to the side, she gasped for breath. “Please.”

“Fuck yes, my goal is to please you.” I aligned the swollen head of my cock at her entrance. I was going to explode once I got inside her.

“Condom,” she said roughly.

“I’m clean,” I told her. I wanted to stake my claim without anything between us. “Tested for everything before the playoffs.”

“I’m clean too,” she told me. “On birth control.”

That was good enough for me. I slid inside her. She was wet and tight. I’d never felt anything better.

“Oh, Champion,” she said on a breath, and I felt like one when she said my name like that. “You feel so good, so hot. I ...” Her lids fluttered with pleasure as I circled my hips. “I’ve never had sex without a condom.”

I had once. But that was when I’d been a boy who didn’t know who he wanted to be, but I knew now. I wanted to be hers, and I wanted her to be mine.

Gripping her hips, I set about making that a reality she couldn’t deny. I brought her into my next thrust. She grabbed my ass. Her nails piercing my skin, she put her mark on me too as I pumped into her, again and again.

“Electra.” My balls full of cum, I lost control. I hammered her with my lust.

“Oh, Champion.”

She took what I gave, and she gave me so much more. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tightened around me. The rhythmic tremors heralding her release triggered my own.

Mine. Stiffening, I planted myself deep. Pulse after pulse, I filled her.

“Yes, oh yes,” she chanted.

As she came undone, her desire scored a blazing path through me.

I brought us both back down slowly. Wrapping my arms around her, I buried my face in the hollow between her neck and shoulder, and she wrapped hers arms around me.

There was no longer any question for me. Age or whatever her reservations were about us, I would vanquish them. She was it for me. And somehow, some way, I would make certain she understood that I was it for her too.


IN CHAMPION’S BATHROOM, which was elegant with heated slate floors and dark iron accents, I dropped a pin on my location.

Done, I slid my phone back into my purse and exited wearing one of his white T-shirts. He had twelve others just like it neatly stacked and folded inside a bathroom drawer. I wasn’t planning to just borrow this one. I would take it with me in the morning that was coming way too soon.
