Page 56 of Champion

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Electra mewed as I rubbed the tip of my tongue against hers. I tasted the mint she must have consumed at some point, along with the crisp iciness that was uniquely her. That ice and the fire was her. I’d seen it on the stage. I’d experienced it carnally several times, but it wasn’t enough.

Not messing the fuck around, I walked her backward, only breaking the seal between our mouths when the back of her knees hit the bed. I slid her purse strap from her shoulder. Setting it on the floor, I reframed her beautiful face, savoring the view before I kissed her lips softly.

“Champion,” she said softly, gazing at me through her lowered lids as if she appreciated the view of me too.

I unwound the scarf from her neck, unwrapping her like a gift. My gift.

I grasped the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. Her black hair settled around her shoulders, skimming my worshipful hands.

“Fuck, you’re pretty.” I wanted to photograph her in only her violet bra with her hair down and her full lips swollen from my kisses. But I wanted to make her my own more.

“Your body is as amazing as what you do with it.”

She gripped my shirt, her warm fingers skimming my skin. Need clawed at me as she lifted my shirt over my head.

“Electra.” I hissed in a breath that was flavored, sweet like a flower and lush like fruit.

She gave me a sultry look through her lashes and traced my shoulders on her way down to the middle of my chest. Fire scored my turgid cock as she raked her nails over my nipples. When she reached the button on my jeans, I stopped her.

“Huh-uh, baby.” I captured her hands. I was fucking throbbing. Grabbing her discarded scarf, I wrapped it around her wrists. “If you get your sweet little hands on my cock, this is going to be over too soon.”

“But I want to touch you.” She pursed her lips. With her wrists held together and her half naked, I had another view of her that I wanted to photograph. But it would be for my eyes only.

“You had your turn.” I unbuttoned her jeans.

“My turn was too short,” she said with a pout.

“Next round, you get longer.”

Even with my head down, I could feel her fiery gaze on me. My knuckles skimmed the slight swell of her abdomen as I lowered her zipper. She drew in a breath and let it out shakily as I peeled the denim from her.

“My boots,” she told me. Staring down at me, her hair was a velvety cape.

“Sit,” I said.

Obeying, she dropped her sexy ass onto the edge of my bed. Kneeling before her, I found the side zipper to her boot, removing one for her and then the other. She shivered as I caressed the arches of her feet and removed her sheer socks. Delighting in how responsive she was to me, I put my mouth on her ankle bone, pressing my appreciative lips to her creamy skin.

“Champion, please,” she said, her voice breathy.

“Please, what?” I glanced up at her.

She gave me another photographable image with a different perspective. It felt right to kneel in adoration. Our gazes connected, hers weighed by passion like my own.

“Please put that amazing cock of yours inside me,” she begged prettily.

“Amazing, huh?” I grinned unabashedly. She made desire rush through my blood like a runaway train barreling down slick tracks. “Lean back, so I can give you what you want.”

“All right.”

She complied beautifully, sliding forward on the mattress so I could tug off her jeans. Tossing them aside, I stood and looked at her. In only her bra and a matching violet thong on my bed, she was stunning, and she stared back at me as if equally fascinated as I toed out of my shoes and removed my slacks and boxers.

Unencumbered by clothing, I stalked toward her. Her gaze came up slowly, and I felt the drag of every inch as if she’d caressed me her hands.

“Baby. I need more room.” I got my hands around her upper arms and lifted her, tossing her to the center of the bed. Grasping the straps of her thong, I whipped it away.

Frowning, she whispered, “Hurry.”

“I’m coming for you,” I warned, and I was. Precum slicked my cock. My lips curved as I noted the dampness on her inner thighs. We were equally responsive to each other.
