Page 44 of Champion

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I thought it best not to argue with him. It was odd that Mercedes didn’t seem to know Champion was back here rather than Zack. She hadn’t asked me to sign an NDA, which was weird too. It was usually required.

“Did you, uh, see the show?” I folded my hands together, staring at them in my lap rather than up at Champion.

I couldn’t worry about what Mercedes knew and its possible ramifications for my job. Yes, it was a concern. I needed my job, but it wasn’t my biggest worry.

“What’s wrong with you?” he asked, sounding irritable. “Look at me.”

I lifted my head. “What’s wrong with me is you.”

He flinched at my words and the harshness of my tone, but it couldn’t be helped. We weren’t on Saint Croix anymore.

“You showing up unexpectedly at my job isn’t cool.” I had a terrible thought. “Did you watch the entire show?”

“No, just you,” he said, and I breathed out a sigh of relief that he hadn’t seen Ally strip. “You were incredible. When I got over the shock of seeing you, I was mesmerized like everyone else. I’ve never seen anyone dance the way you do.”

“You must not have been to many strip clubs.”

“I’ve been to some, but what you do isn’t typical.” He studied me a moment. “It’s extraordinary, and I think you know it.”

His praise made me feel bubbly inside like champagne.

“So, you found me. You know what I do. Who I work for.” I cranked my chin higher. “Can we just skip to the part where you get mad at me for not telling you, and look down on me because I’m a stripper? Then you can go back to your life, and I can go on with mine.”

“You think you know what’s in my head.” His blue eyes flashed again. Not lightning this time, but a warning flare.

“I know guys like you,” I reminded him, since apparently, he’d forgotten. “Ones who make a lot of money and think because I take my clothes off for a living that they’re entitled to a piece of me.”

“Guys like Jake Marvel, you mean?” His gaze narrowed.

Heat hit my cheeks. I didn’t know who had told him about Jake and me, but I guessed it was Zack.

I wet my dry lips, and Champion’s gaze dipped. Predictably, my lips tingled beneath his perusal. Desire throbbed.

The time apart hadn’t lessened my craving. I woke up aching for him, and not just for sex. Sadly, I longed for him to hold me again. I felt safe with his arms around me.

“Who I sleep with is none of your business,” I said airily.

“You’re wrong.” He grabbed me by the upper arms and hauled me out of my chair. “I’ll prove it to you.”

When he framed my face, the intensity of his expression stole my breath. Lowering his head, he brought our mouths together.

I didn’t fight him. Walls crumbling, I felt my lids flutter closed. Only he didn’t crush his mouth to mine as I expected. His kiss was soft. I sighed when he brushed his lips tenderly across mine.

“Champion ...” I clutched his shirt, trying to summon the will to stop this.

“Shhh.” He smoothed my loose hair back from my face.

Gathering and wrapping a length of it around his fist, he angled his head and fitted our mouths together. His tongue slid between my lips, and he kissed me deeply. Each stroke of his tongue made my clit throb.

Unable to resist him, I released his shirt. I wound my arms around his strong neck and jumped him. He caught me.

“There’s my girl.” Breaking our kiss, he ran his warm lips along my jaw. “I missed her. She knows who she belongs to.”

He possessively palmed my ass and squeezed each cheek in his large hands. My pussy spasming, I crossed my legs at the ankles, pressing my heels into his back. I couldn’t have refuted his claim if I wanted to, and for the record, I didn’t want to.

“I missed you,” I said, though I shouldn’t.

Lonely was lonelier without him. I threaded my fingers in his thick shoulder-length hair. He tugged on mine. Pulling my neck to the side, he licked me from the sensitive hollow all the way up to my ear.
