Page 32 of Champion

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I had to convince her to extend our time together. Any other outcome was not acceptable.

Watching the sky lighten through the open balcony door, I decided the best way to achieve my goal would be for us to spend the day together. Talk, share, and do an activity—things couples did. We had already done that last night. She wouldn’t agree, but she would be wrong. This wasn’t just a hookup. I would bullet-point the ways it wasn’t throughout the day, if necessary.

But, fuck, this wasn’t a game where my talent and training would give me the win. I had no experience with a woman like Electra. She was stubborn and guarded. Even if I got her to admit the sex was the best she’d ever had, she might still turn me down. All this depended on how I played it when she woke up.

I didn’t have her number. I didn’t know where she lived.

If she were an opposing team, I could look at game tape and find weaknesses to exploit to achieve my goal. But I didn’t want to exploit Electra. I wanted her to want to change her mind. I wanted her to want me. The man she’d spent time with last night was the man I wanted to be.

She stirred, stretched, and pushed herself up, elbowing me in my full bladder.

Wincing, I took that cosmic payout for being a creeper and staring at her all night. I really had to piss now. Throwing back the covers, I swung my legs to the floor.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you,” she mumbled and blinked against the brightness. “What time is it?”

“Time for you to get up,” I said, “so we can eat something and spend the day together.”

My plans to finesse her flew right out the window. Oh well. I would just tell her how it was going to be. That worked for me with just about everyone else.

She shook her head. “Champion—”

“No excuses, E. I was your pillow all the damn night. You owe me. Understand?”

She wrinkled her adorable nose. “I understand that you’re pushy.”

“I’m determined,” I said, though she was right. I wasn’t opposed to being heavy-handed if it got me what I wanted ... her. “I’ll use the facilities, then go back to the villa, let the guys know I’m alive. Then I’ll get some fresh clothes and come back for you. All that will take me an hour—tops. Give you just enough time to prepare to spend the entire day with me.”

She bit down on her lush lip. Even with a full bladder, I remembered how amazing those wet lips felt around my shaft.

“What did you have in mind?” Her silver eyes narrowed. “Not that I’m agreeing.”

“Not staying in your hotel room.” It was nice here, but there were other places we could go, places where I could fuck her that would also further my agenda. I had given this some considerable thought. “I’ll charter us a private sailboat. We can go to Buck Island, snorkel, and have a picnic lunch on the boat. Do you have any food allergies?”

“No,” she said, her gaze dipping. “I’ll eat anything.”

Fuck. My cock swelled, begging to be set free. I wanted to get her underneath me, pin her to that bed, but I kept it together, managing to keep my mind on my goal.

“Favorite picnic food?” My voice was hoarse, reflecting my strain.

Fuck her now or spend the day seducing her so I could fuck her night after night for the rest of my vacation until ... until what? I didn’t take that thought further. Right now, I just knew that I didn’t want our time together to end.

“Fried chicken,” she said. “Macaroni salad. Beans.”

“Noted.” I nodded.

I would get Trinidad to help me locate those items. If I were home, I would have phoned my PA and delegated those duties. But I found I didn’t mind the idea of doing things for Electra. In fact, I was looking forward to doing it myself.


Her eyes darkening, she licked her lips.

She was gonna kill me doing shit like that. I needed to find a sailboat with a bed or a crew who would sign nondisclosures so I could fuck her out on an open deck. My cock bounced, totally on board with that idea.

“I like anything with peanut butter.”

“Got it.”

I’d almost forgotten what we were talking about. Even after all we had done, I still wanted her so badly, I could hardly think straight.
