Page 31 of Champion

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I broke the kiss. Pulling in oxygen to fuel my racing heart, I eased back onto my haunches and stared at him.

It was difficult to believe he was here, that I was with him and had a chance to do all the things I’d only imagined.

I smoothed my palms over his museum-worthy chest. His skin was velvety and warm. Then I lowered my head. He grabbed my wet hair and wrapped it around his fist while I licked and kissed him, working my way down to his abs.

“What happened here?” I pressed my lips to a large multicolored bruise.

“Blitzing linebacker helmet.”

“Asshole,” I muttered against his skin.

“Sometimes I think I should quit.”

“You mentioned it feeling like a trap, so quit if you don’t want to do it anymore.” I glanced up at him, catching the glint of sadness in his eyes. “But I don’t believe you want to quit. You love playing like I love dancing.”

“Yes,” he said low, then tugged on my hair, bringing my mouth back to his.

He kissed me, just a touch of his lips to mine, but I shivered.

“I love to watch you.” I kissed his bruise.

He groaned. “You’re gonna kill me doing shit like that.”

His response encouraged me. I wanted to drive him crazy with lust like he did me. He let out another deep groan when I reached his cock. My lips curving, I pressed an admiring kiss on the crown. His chest wasn’t the only part of him that was museum worthy.

Greedily, I licked him from root to crown.

“Fuck.” He let out a shaky exhale.

His grip tightened almost to the point of pain as I followed a swollen vein with the tip of my tongue. I got my mouth around him, taking in all of him I could. Bobbing on his length, I took him into my mouth. Shallow and then deep, I licked him.

His heat, the salty taste of him, and the broken sounds he made turned me on. Inhaling through my nose, I got high on the muskiness of his arousal. I throbbed, my wetness dripping down my legs.

Gripping my hair in one hand, he reached between us with the other and found my clit. I bobbed my head faster along his slick cock while he strummed the swollen, aching nub.

“Suck me, baby,” he ordered darkly. “Yeah, just like that.”

Growing impossibly harder, he nearly choked me. His saltiness increased. He was close.

I started to pulse. He tasted so good, so decadent, that I was close too. The pressure he put on my clit was perfect, and making him crazy with lust made me crazy too.

“Electra, fuck.”

He exploded into my mouth.

Swallowing the hot stream, I went over the edge with him. With the pad of his thumb my anchor, pleasurable pulses rippled through me, but I kept at him licking every last drop of his pleasure.

After we were both through, he dragged me on top of him and kissed me deeply. Swirling his tongue, he mingled our flavors. Me and him.

Never in my life had I tasted anything better.


MY BACK PROPPED up on pillows, I held Electra in my arms. After our shower, she’d crawled into bed and passed out before I could join her. Sliding under the covers, I’d been careful not to wake her. She deserved her rest.

Feeling stuff I’d never felt before, I had gathered her close. Her soft cheek resting on my chest, I stared down at her, making plans as I stroked her luxurious hair.

Electra slept soundly, but I didn’t sleep a wink.
