Page 26 of Champion

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“Eventually, I manned up and told him I’d had enough. During my second year of college, I cut him off and started making my own decisions. Tried to reconnect with my mom, but she got sick and died way too soon.”

“I’m sorry,” Electra said and squeezed my forearm. “You went through a lot when you were really young.”

So did she, even younger than me.

“I saw my old man at her funeral.” I glanced down at Electra’s hand on my skin.

Her touch was a balm, and not just superficially. Sharing with her didn’t expunge the bitterness of my past, but it lessened it. Discovering that, I wanted to share more. Stuff no one else knew.

“We had words. Well, I said my piece.” I was doubtful I got through to him, but maybe I did. It was telling that he didn’t want any part of me if it was on my terms. “I haven’t heard from him since, not a single word.”

“His loss.”

Electra took a step closer. I needed her that little bit closer to get out the rest.

“Everything I trained so hard for all my life,” I said, then pulled in a breath. “All that I’ve achieved, it feels like those achievements mean nothing.”

I searched her eyes. Did she get it? How alone I’d been since my mom passed? How my achievements were disappointing companions? What a crossroads I was at in my life?

“I understand.”

I squinted at her in disbelief.

“Learning to walk. Dancing again when the specialists thought I never would.” Her silver eyes took on a remembering glow. “That was my Super Bowl. My crowning achievement. But it feels hollow without my family here to share that triumph with me.”

She did understand.

“You should contact him,” she said, and I realized that she didn’t understand, not completely. “I would do anything, give anything, if I could talk to my dad one more time ...” She trailed off, her eyes flashing with wet.

“Contacting mine wouldn’t change jack.” My jaw hardened to stone, matching the condition of my heart.

“You could try to find common ground.” Her expression turned pleading. “Rebuild on the love you surely once had.”

“It’s a nice idea, E.” I shook my head. “Only there was never any love between us.”

All we’d had was football and my mother as a bridge, and now she was gone. Electra reminded me of my mom. The girl possessed an incredible inner strength despite harsh conditions.

Wanting to hold on to her, I took her back into my arms and wrapped her up good and tight.

What were the odds I would find someone like her on vacation? I knew the answer. They weren’t good. Somehow, some way, I had to convince Electra to give us a real chance.

She was wrong if she thought what was between us was only physical.


“ARE YOU HUNGRY?” Champion asked after we’d showered and fucked a third time.

Though, of course, it didn’t feel at all like fucking. Me and Champion Valentine? Wet and slick and coming again together? Yes, it was divine.

I’d glided my eager fingertips over every chiseled and decadent inch of him while he had watched me with heavy-lidded eyes. His cock had grown, extended to its full and impressive length, but when I tried to drop to my knees, he’d stopped me.

“My turn,” he’d said and moved behind me.

Remembering how he had pressed his lips to every part of my flesh that the twisted metal from the wreckage had ripped apart, I started feeling things inside again that I couldn’t allow myself to feel.

“I’m starving,” I said.

Focusing on the here and now with both of us washed and clean again, in the bedroom wearing fresh towels, I gave him a look, a hungry one, and it wasn’t a hunger just for food. For the first time since the accident, I wasn’t struggling to hold back the darkness, and I wasn’t ashamed of my scar.
