Page 15 of Champion

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He seemed to appear out of nowhere, but it was only that the swaying crowd separated for him to walk through.

I followed the row of dark buttons on his slim-fitting black shirt down to his waist and below where his narrow hips in a pair of gray slacks rocked to the music. He had some serious moves, and an erection that was just as lethal to my willpower as his dance skills.

Nobody around. Escape with him. Experience extraordinary.

My cheeks burning, I licked my dry lips and dragged my gaze upward. The sentiment behind the lyrics matched my mood as I watched Champion.

Quickly, he closed the distance between us. Reaching me, he stopped. I held my breath as he skated a fingertip down my arm. From my shoulder to my wrist, he left a trail of fire and ice with his caress.

“You look stunning.”

His mouth only a breath away, his deep voice rumbled in my ear and obliterated any lingering reservations. Champion Valentine was no ill-equipped high-school boy. He was a sexy, confident man, and this compliment—like his others—eroded any possibility of resistance.

“I’m glad you decided to come.” His words stirred wisps of hair around my ear. He lifted my weary spirit.

Yeah, I had it bad for him. My legs trembled in response to him, and the scrap of delicate silk between them grew wet. I wanted him to do every single dirty thing to me that I’d only imagined. And the cobalt flames in Champion’s eyes told me he was in complete agreement.

I couldn’t resist the temptation. Truthfully, I didn’t really want to.

As Reem sang about not letting life pass her by, I knew I was going to seize this opportunity, acknowledging to myself that I’d already decided to have sex with Champion, even before I danced with him.

One night in paradise. It was only fantasy. What harm could it do?

His gaze locked on mine, he shifted closer. He was a large man, but he was surprisingly controlled and graceful. His eyes flickered like flames, and his feet kept the beat.

Of course he had rhythm. I’d seen him employ it on the field.

I wasn’t big on football. That was true, but I was a huge Champion Valentine fan. I was addicted to watching him play. He and his best friend, wide receiver Zachary Steele, both dazzled. They had an innate understanding between them, their interactions reminding me of a well-choreographed dance.

Champion gathered my hands. I couldn’t think about football or any other man when he touched me. The heated skin-to-skin connection obliterated all other thoughts.

He drew my arms up into the air. I knew what he wanted and spun from the axis he provided. Afterward, I returned to face him. He released me and moved behind me. His warm hands felt proprietary where they gripped my hips.

I swayed, lowering my body into a crouch near the floor. Coming up, I slid my ass along his left thigh, then his right. He hissed when I rolled my ass cheeks over his steely-hard cock. Another thrill shot through me at the knowledge that I got to him, and more wetness gathered that soaked my thong.

Champion moved his hands to my shoulders and gently turned me around. He wasn’t dancing anymore, and neither was I. Mesmerized by the intensity in his eyes, I didn’t breathe as he framed my face.

He was going to kiss me, and I wanted him to. I’d never wanted a kiss more.

I went up on my toes because he was nearly a foot taller. There was a distance to be bridged, and not all of it was physical. Regardless, we moved in unison to eliminate the gap.

His warm, minty breath bathing my lips, I closed my eyes as he brought my mouth to his.

His thumbs feathering my jawline, he brushed his lips across mine. A test kiss, a soft but magical one that I felt from my head to my toes and every shimmering space in between.

“More,” I whispered.

Cracking my eyes open, I peered up at him through the flutter of my lashes. His heated gaze on mine, he seemed to see to the very depths of my soul, but he didn’t shy away from the damage. Somehow, he seemed to expect it.

“Yes, more.” His gaze softening, he coiled a long length of my hair around his capable hand. “I’ve got you, Electra. Let me in. I won’t hurt you.”

Saying just the right words, he tugged, getting the new angle he wanted. I slid my palms over his chest. The silk was soft. His chest was hard, and his skin was temptingly warm.

I twined my arms around his strong neck. My lips buzzed in anticipation as he lowered his head. Capturing my lips, he sealed our mouths together. This was no test. It was approval and ownership, a melding of the two. It was a lot like dancing.

The spark of desire he stoked inside me roared to a flame. A pleasurable moan escaped my parted lips.

Taking advantage, he slipped his wet tongue into my mouth. I jolted as the tip of his tongue met mine. I felt that strike and the ones that followed in my already throbbing clit. Need overwhelming restraint, I jumped him, wrapping my legs around his trim waist.
