Page 50 of Making Her Theirs

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I know they do. I am wanted, adored, and thoroughly pleasured.

The shower is deemed warm enough. Knox walks in, gently sets me down, and his brothers join us. Knox washes my hair, his fingers gently tugging out stubborn knots. Finn has soaped up a loofah and washes the front of me, while Lachlan washes my back, between my legs. All the while I lean against Knox feeling like a queen. In their own way, they all make me feel so adored, so loved.

My hair is rinsed and conditioned. The shower shuts off, and I’m wrapped in a big, fluffy towel then led to Finn’s bed where I sit on the edge. Knox combs my hair. Lachlan appears with a glass of water, and Finn with a plate of warmed Roly Poly pudding. I smile at them. All three know what I need. Water, food, and hair that doesn’t look like a viper’s nest.

Finn and Lachlan have pulled on jeans and T-shirts, but Knox is naked behind me. My skin heats as his fingers massage my scalp, sending delicious waves of goosebumps down my back and across my body. I relax against him.

Satisfied my hair is knot-free, he strolls out of the room, and I ogle his delicious naked ass that I want to bite. High and tight, it’s perfectly muscled.

I could bounce a ball off that ass.

He returns in jeans and a T-shirt. Thankfully, all of them are clothed. I could stare at their perfect chests forever, write songs about them; movies would be based on their pecs. Knox gently pulls me to a standing position. He has my clothes in his hands, and all three dress me in record time, their faces serious. Knox leads me out of the bedroom. A sense of doom clouds my vision. We are now seated in Finn’s living room.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I whisper, searching their faces. Knox’s expression is hard with his trademark scowl. Finn, for once missing a smile. Lachlan’s leg is jiggling.

“You’re leaving tomorrow,” Knox starts. “And we couldn’t let you go without hearing us out.”

Lachlan’s leg jiggles harder. It’s all I can do to not soothe him.

Finn gives me a gentle smile, and I melt. “We’ve fallen for you, Angel. Each in our own way. You brighten my world. When you smile, my universe lights up. When you’re at work, all I can think about is you walking through my pub door with your gorgeous smile, and when you do, whatever shit day I’ve had falls away, and it’s just you and me.”

Lachlan’s pale eyes pierce me. “You calm me. When all the nerves scatter inside me, one touch of your hand and all my worries go. You get me, and even though I’m moody and sometimes I know I’m odd, you don’t care. You look past the façade and see me. Really see me. And you love that I’m a really cool dancer.”

“I do.” A watery smile tilts my lips.

“You’re the only woman I’ve been intimate with, really intimate with.” Knox pins me with his unyielding stare. “I’m not talking sex.”

I know he isn’t. I’m the first woman he’s kissed. This means a lot to him. It means the world to me.

“I know,” I whisper as my throat closes.

“I’m not big on words or emotion. Apart from my brothers, and I have to love them, the idiots. I’ve fallen in love with you, Georgia Henry from Morning Glory, Texas.” Knox kneels before me. “I want you to stay.”

“I love you, Angel.” Finn kneels beside Knox.

Lachlan kneels beside his brothers. “Neach-gaoil.”

Tears course down my cheeks that each brother brushes away. “I love you, too. All of you. I didn’t mean for this to happen, but this is all so fast.”

“Aye, it is.” Knox holds my stare. “I know this is a long shot and you’ve got your new house and your cat but you have a choice to stay with us.”

“We’ll get Romeo or Juliet or both,” Lachlan says. “We can go to the pound together and get a little stray that no one wants.” He pales. “If you want to stay.”

“I’ll walk the dog when you’re at work. It can stay with me behind the bar in case it gets lonely. And I love cats,” Finn says. He brings my hand to his mouth and grazes my knuckles against his lips. “Stay, Angel, and make me the happiest man on the planet.”

Indecision weighs on me like a ton of bricks. My own home. For the first time I’ll have roots. A home, which is all I’ve ever wanted.

“I’ll pay for your family to fly out at least three times a year, and bringing you cat over here is a given. I’d already researched what we have to do. Anytime you want to go back, we’ll pay,” Knox adds.

I’m startled. “Oh, no, that’s too much.”

“Baby, nothing is too much when it comes to you.” He lifts my palm and kisses the soft flesh.

My mind is a whir of confusion.

“I adore you.” Knox kisses my palm again, and I sag.

“You are my one and only. My beloved.” Lachlan kisses my forehead.
