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"Uh-huh, sureeeee," she said, winking at me.

The rest of the day went by quickly. I got off work at nine and took a long way home, which took me about 20 minutes to walk. I rounded the corner to my apartment and saw Issac parked in front. I checked my phone, and it was 9:25. He was early. I walked up to the car, looked around to ensure nobody saw me, and quickly got in.

"Damn, I thought I was gonna have to see a doctor to check on this," I said, sighing and turning my head. Issac was wearing his hood up on his hoodie.

"I knew he shouldn't have trusted you," a voice said that definitely wasn't Issac. He turned to look at me. Who the fuck is this?! I went to reach for the door handle when I felt something around my neck yanking my head against the headrest, choking me, but I could still breathe a little. I grabbed whatever it was, and it was a rope. There was someone behind me choking me. Then I felt a cold object on the side of my head, a gun. There was another person in the backseat. "Look, I'm sorry it had to be like this, Delilah, but I need to protect my clan. Can't have any loose ends," he said as he grabbed a handful of hair from the back of my head. The guy with the rope released, and the guy who grabbed my hair slammed my head into the dash. I felt blood running out of my nose.

"Ah!" I cried out. Someone grabbed my wrist and cuffed them together. The guy with my hair yanked back, slamming my head into the headrest. I felt the rope around my neck again.

They placed the gun against my temple.

"Move or scream, and he won't hesitate shooting you," the guy in the driver's seat said, grinning. He drove. Where is he taking me? Did Issac order him to do this? Tears gathered in my eyes, and a lump formed in my throat. We drove for an hour, then pulled up to what looked like an abandoned motel. The driver got out, walked over to my side of the car, and opened the door. He yanked me out of the car and onto the ground. The other two guys got out.

They started laughing amongst themselves. They picked me up and pushed towards a door to the motel; one of them opened the door and pushed me in, sending me to the floor again. My shoulder was fucking killing me. I was yanked off the floor again and looked around. There was a full-sized bed with an iron frame and wooden chairs around the room. The lights in here were dimmed. The windows were boarded up. When everyone was in the room, one guy shut and locked the door.

"Minds well, have some fun before we shoot her," the driver said, pushing me onto the bed.

Chapter 4

"That wasn't part of the plan, Markus. Issac will kill us if he finds out," one guy said. I remember that name from somewhere.

"He won't kill us if he doesn't know Devin, which he won't, right?" He turned and pointed a gun at him. I thought to myself that I knew that name, too. The Markus guy flipped me.

"Right," he sighed.

"Again, if you make any noise, I'll put a bullet right here," Markus said, putting the gun to my forehead. "You got me shot, you little bitch," he said. "Even though he just grazed me, I'm still fucking pissed," he said, putting his gun away and grabbing a switchblade.

He yanked me to the end of the bed to where my legs were hanging off. The man stepped in between them. He put the knife under the bottom and up to the neckline of my shirt. He pulled up with the blade, cutting my shirt open, revealing my bra, then down to my panties. Tears formed in my eyes. Do I scream or stay quiet? He put a knife under my chin and pushed up, digging into my chin a little. "Such a beautiful woman about to go to waste," he said with a grin. I shot my eyes out to the other guys as they looked down. Looking at them, I thought they might have helped me, but I was wrong. I tried to move my hands, but they were still cuffed.

"Clear the room," Markus said, standing up. The guys walked into a room at the end of this room. Markus yanked my hair to make me sit up and lowered his head to my neck. "Mmm, you smell amazing," he said, and pressed his rough lips against my neck. I tried to move away, but he grabbed the other side of my neck and held me in place. He brought his head back, looking into my eyes. He grinned. I couldn't help it, and my reaction was to spit in his face. He flinched and stood up. "You shouldn't have done that, you little bitch," he said, grabbing his gun. He hit me in the side of my head, making me fall onto the bed.

"Fuck!" I yelled. He leaned down and grabbed me by the throat, looking into my eyes.

"What did I say about making a noise? '' he said, grinding his teeth. He squeezed a little harder, then let go and smacked me. I tried to hold in my whimper. I started squirming around, trying to kick at him. He struck me again, making me stop. I tasted blood in my mouth. He walked to the side of the bed and grabbed the cuffs, pulling me up to the headboard. He uncuffed and cuffed me to the bed. He climbed on top of me and stared at my cut-open panties. He started unbuttoning his pants.

After he unbuttoned, he stopped. He leaned down, kissed my neck, grabbed my breast, and slid his hand under my bra. I looked up with tears in my eyes and whimpered. He grabbed a bandana and put it in my mouth, tying it around my head. He then moved his hand down my body, grazing my hip bones. He moved his lips and kissed my breasts. He slid his hand in between my legs and started rubbing. I whimpered and tried to kick and wiggle away. He grabbed his knife with his other hand and sliced my thigh. I screamed, but the bandana muffled it. He slashed my thigh again. I groaned in pain quietly. He grinned again and pulled down his pants. He leaned over me and put the knife to my throat, pushing it into my neck. There was an evil smile on his face.

He laughed and grabbed a condom out of his cut. Then, suddenly, we heard a bang against the front door. We both looked, then the door smashed in. Issac came through the doorway with a pissed-off face. He pulled his gun out and pulled the hammer back, pointing it at Markus. The two other guys went out of the other room. Markus flew off me, pulling his pants up and looking at Issac.

"The fuck you doing, Markus?" Issac yelled. He was walking closer to Markus. Markus put his hands up.

"Who fucking snitched?" He said, looking at Devin and the other guy. They both walked behind Issac. "Fucking tattle tails," Markus said, shaking his head.

"You know we don't do this shit, Markus," Issac yelled. Markus started yelling back.

"She is a loose end, Issac! She needed to be taken care of!"

"I said I was taking care of it!" Issac said through his gritted teeth., "And that's not even what I was talking about."

"She was gonna go to waste. I mean, come on, Issac. Don't tell me you've never had a temptation like this," Markus said, smiling.

"No, I haven't because I'm an actual man," he said, tilting his head.

"Fuck y-" Markus tried to say when Issac shot him in the head. Markus's head snapped back, and he fell to the floor. I froze, looking at the spot where Markus was just standing, then I slowly looked at Issac. He was staring at the floor where Markus lay. He put his gun into the back of his pants and looked over at me.

"Clean this shit up," he spat at Devin and the other guy. I could see the pain in his eyes as he stared at me. He walked back out the door. I panicked. Was he leaving me here?! What was happening?! I wiggled, cutting my wrists more with the cuffs. I groaned in pain, and more tears formed in my eyes. Issac came back in with bolt cutters. He walked to the side of the bed and leaned in, cutting cuffs off the bed frame, then removing the bandana from my mouth.

I sat up quickly, trying to cover myself. Issac stood up and took off his hoodie. He wasn't wearing his cut. As he took off his hoodie, his t-shirt was riding up, revealing more tattoos he had hidden. He went to grab my legs to turn me towards him. I flinched and moved away from him a little. I winced in pain from my wounds. Issac sat on the bed and put his hands up. He handed me his hoodie, and I slowly grabbed it, looking at him and sniffling. I tried lifting it about my head to put it on, but I whimpered in pain. "Stop," Issac said, grabbing my arms gently.
