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He pushed the seat forward, letting me out, and I slowly crawled out. He grabbed my hand to my good shoulder and helped me out. I was still speechless. He grabbed my chin and pulled it up, so I was looking into his eyes. "Look, I get everything is confusing right now, but once we're done helping you… you need to forget that any of this ever happened. It's better for you not to know anything." he looked away, pushed the seat back, and got back into his car. "Go home, Del,' he said as he started the car. I walked onto the sidewalk in front of my apartment and looked back at the car, and he drove off. I looked in the envelope, and it was the money he had told me about. What the actual fuck just happened?

Chapter 3

I entered my apartment and threw my keys onto the stand next to the door. I slumped to the bathroom to see what kind of condition I was in. I slowly brought my head up to look into the mirror. My eyes were puffy and red, I had bumps and bruises, and my shoulder looked absolutely fucked. I have dried blood all over my arm and chest. I signed and reached for my phone in my back pocket. My finger hovered over Susie's number. What do I say? Should I tell her what happened? I can't go to work like this, do I lie? I feel the anxiety build up as I try to figure out what to say.

"Fuck it," I said aloud, tapping her number. The line started ringing.

"Hey, darling! How are ya?" Susie answered with her voice all perky, and I laughed a little.

"Hey, Suz," I sighed in a raspy voice.

"Oh, no, honey, what's wrong?" She asked, hearing the pain in my voice.

"Uh, I had a rough night Friday."

"Sounds like it, darling. You sound defeated, lovey."

"You could say that, uh, I was wondering if it was okay if I took today off?"

"Oh, honey, you don't even need to ask. Don't come in until you feel you can. Don't stress about it, babe. I can handle it. You need to focus on yourself."

"Thank you, Suz."

"No problem, darling. Do you want to talk about what happened? Do you need me to come over? Do you need me to bring you anything or take you somewhere?"

"Oh, no-no. It's okay, Susie. Thank you, I'm just gonna lie low and relax."

"Okay, darling. I'm one call away. Feel better, bye lovey."

"Bye, Susie," I said, hanging up. I looked in the mirror one more time. I had tears gathering in my eyes. "What the fuck is going on?" I sighed aloud. I threw my phone onto the sink and turned on the shower. After taking my clothes off, I stepped in. I let the water run over me, and I started getting overwhelmed with everything that had just happened and what was going on in my life. I slid down the shower wall and sat down on the floor. Issac was right about everything. I'm in debt because of college back in Texas.

I transferred to a new college because I needed to be more independent—a bad idea. I didn't know transferring to a new college would cost me a shit ton of money. So, I took out two loans to move out here and to pay the transfer fee for my new college, putting me in debt of $5,000. None of it was worth it because I ended up dropping out, anyway. It might not seem like a lot to others, but coming from a low-income family, I got a job at a thrift store to make a little money to pay it off. But my rent takes up half of my paycheck, leaving me barely any money to live off. Susie pays me every other week, and I won't complain because she helps me a lot. Other than that, I'm depressed as fuck; one reason I moved out to Colorado was because my ex-boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. Typical right? The $2,000 Issac gave me was something I thought about. I can't use that… I didn't earn it. I'm hard-headed like that.


It has been almost a week since Issac said he would get a hold of me to check on my stitches. Guess I have to go to the doctor. Great… My shoulder is still sore. I returned to work and told Susie I pulled a muscle in my shoulder, so she put me on light duty. I was in the backroom rolling change when Susie came in.

"Del darling, someone left you a surprise out here," she said, leaning in the doorway. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

"Who?" I asked, assuming it was my ex trying to win me back. He's been trying to contact me, but I've always ignored him.

"Come look!" She said, all excited. I sighed and stood up. I walked out to see a beautiful arrangement of dahlia, lilies, and roses. It was huge. Ryan never sends me arrangements of this size.

"Woah, that's huge," I said, raising my eyebrow and looking with wide eyes.

"I know! They're beautiful! I'm jealous! There's also a card here," Susie said, plucking it out of the flowers. That's weird. Ryan usually tells the delivery guy just to say it's from him. Hmm. Susie handed me the card; I grabbed it with a confused look. I opened it.

Meet me outside your apartment at ten tonight. I'll have my car.


"Ooooh, who's IR?" Susie said, peeking over my shoulder.

"Susie!" I said, giggling. "He's no one," I laughed, closing the card and throwing it on the counter.

"Uh, no one just sends flowers like this to someone," she said, pointing at the flowers.

"Please, it's probably Ryan trying to get my attention under a different name," I said, laughing and rolling my eyes, walking into the backroom to continue rolling change.
