Page 20 of Minefield

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“I see it!” Iris yells as she pushes dirt out of the way. Finally, we uncover the top of the coffin. I reach down and wrap my finger around the edge and start pulling on the lid. I grunt in pain as my muscles strain to open it. Iris grabs ahold of the lid and Nathan jumps in the grave with us. He straddles the coffin and grabs a part. We all pull. The lid screeches and groans as it detaches from the shell. We throw the lid out of the grave and look in.


Her eyes are closed, her skin is blue. We were too late. I stumble back and hit the dirt wall of the grave.

“No!” Iris shouts, as she jumps into the coffin with Delilah’s body. Everything goes quiet. All I can hear is my heartbeat, wishing I didn’t. Wishing it wasn’t beating, just like Delilah’s. I see movement out of the corner of my watery eyes.

Levi is in handcuffs, limping by us. He looks over at us with a grin.

“Damn, that’s unfortunate. That was some premium pussy,” he laughs. I see red. Without thinking, I grab Nathan’s pistol from it’s holster and point it at Levi and fire until the clip is empty, but I keep pulling the trigger, anyway.

Then I’m tackled to the ground. My tired body finally gives in and I close my eyes, hoping for peace.

Chapter Seventeen


“Time of death, 4:32 AM” I say. I walk away, pulling my bloody gloves off, tossing them into the trash. I walk over to the sink and begin washing my hands.

“Iris,” I hear my name from over my shoulder. Instead of turning all the way around, I just look over it.

“You’ve been washing your hands for almost 15 minutes,” Dr. McLayne says.

Have I?

“Oh, sorry,” I say, turning off the sink and dry off my hands.

“Iris, you shouldn’t be here,” he says, walking up next to me.

“I’m fine,” I say, tossing the damp paper towel.

“Iris, you know that’s not what I mean,” he says. I feel his eyes on me. “I shouldn’t have even let you call time of death… but I did. Now I think it’s time for you to go home. “

I look up at him. A single tear falls onto my cheek. “I can’t” I whisper. He nods and sighs.

“At least hit the shower and change. You don’t wanna look like that for when your brother wakes up,”

I nod and cross my arms. I watch him spin on his heels and walk out of the surgical room. I slowly turn towards the lifeless body on the table. I drag my feet over to it.

“I hope you fucking rot in hell,” I hiss to my uncle’s bullet filled body. I hear the door behind me open. I turn to see a morgue technician standing there with a gurney.

“You have a pickup for me?” he asks. I nod and move out of the way. “What are his arrangements?” he asks as he walks over to my uncle’s body and begins prepping him to move.

“No family. Burn him and stick him with the rest of the John Doe’s,”

“You got it,” he says. And with that, I walk away from that evil for good.

I shower and put on a fresh pair of scrubs. I walk through the trauma bay that almost my entire family occupies at the moment. I stop at Issac’s room and slowly walk in. I take a seat next to his bed and grab his hand and rub circles around his tattooed knuckles.

“I promised mom I would keep her boys safe…” I said as tears gathered in my eyes. “I broke that promise. One turned into a raging piece of shit and the other,” I pause and look up at him and chuckle. “And the other is a pain in my fucking ass.” I close my eyes and let the tears flow.

“Wow,” I hear a deep voice say. I look up and see Issac’s eyes flutter open. I squeeze his hand and smile.

“You’re my favorite pain though,” I laugh. I wipe away the tears and stand up. I check all his vitals, making sure everything is okay. I sit back down. “How are you feeling?” I ask.

“Is she alive?” he says, looking down at his lap.

I take a deep breath, knowing I’m about to break his heart.
