Page 19 of Minefield

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We walk down the tunnel that leads to the bunker. We use our flashlights to help us lead the way. The tunnel hasn’t had power since we all moved out more than a decade ago.

As we round a corner to the entrance door to the bunker, I see light shining through the cracks in it. I stop turning off my light and shush Nathan before he could say anything. Instead, I point at the door. He nods and draws his gun. I draw mine and slowly walk up to the door. I gently put my ear up against the door to listen.

“Anything?” Nathan whispers. I shake my head no and move and grab the door handle. I look over at Nathan and nod, letting him know I’m about to open it.

I pull on the metal handle and give it a hard tug before popping it open. The door makes a low groaning noise as I swing it open a few inches. Peeking through the opening I have, I don’t see any sign of life. I squeeze my body through the gap and slowly make my way inside the bunker.

“We’re good,” I whisper to Nathan. “For now,” I say to myself under my breath.

“Where to now?” Nathan asks. I point down the hallway that leads toward the holding cells.

We make our way down the hall. As we grow closer to the cell room, we hear muffled shouts. I pick up the pace and quickly and quietly move towards the room. The door is slightly open, so I glance through it and my heart shatters.

Chapter Fifteen


Issac sits in the middle of the room, tied to a chair with blood dripping down his face. I see Isaiah hovering over him and a man, no. Not just any man. My uncle, who’s supposed to be dead. What the fuck? Without thinking, I kick in the door, holding my gun up pointing it at the men. Nathan follows closely behind.

“Make any sudden moves, I’ll blow your fucking knee caps off,” I hiss. Isaiah and Levi both look towards me, shock written all over their faces. I don’t take my eyes off them. Levi starts to laugh. Oh, he thinks I’m joking? Hah.

I point my pistol down and pull the trigger, sending Levi to the ground. He screams in agony. Isaiah goes to pull something out, but Nathan lets out a warning shot.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you. This place is being surrounded as we speak” My heart drops, but I don’t turn around to ask questions. Levi screams in pain, holding his knee.

“Oh, shut the fuck up. You’re supposed to be dead anyway,” I scream at him. I see Nathan move up next to me out of the corner of my eye.

“My team is about to come through those doors. When they do, I need you to put your gun away and go help your brother. I’ll tell them I shot him.”

I nod in agreement. I slowly lowered my weapon and tucked it into the back of my pants. I turn and run towards Issac. He’s breathing, but it’s shallow.

“Issac?!” I shout, examining him. His swollen eyes flutter open. “Issac?”

“Del” is all he said, trying to get up from the chair they still him to.

“No, it’s Iris Issac. Hang on a second. Let me untie you,” I trying to explain. He slowly shakes his head and clears his throat, yanking on the restraints.

“Help her,” he said, panting.

“Help Delilah?” I ask as I finally get his restraints off. He shoots up from the chair and stumbles, grabbing hold of me for balance. “Issac, stop for a second,” I say, trying to calm him down.

“No!” he says. He stops for a moment, catching his breath. “She’s… in… the grave…” he says, taking breaths.

“The grave? The graveyard? Why is she there?” I ask, then I look at his pants and notice he’s covered in fresh dirt, and then it clicks.

“Oh my God”

Chapter Sixteen


With Nathan at my side helping, I used the rest of my strength to get out to the graveyard. Once Iris figured out where Delilah was, she took off, leaving me with him.

We finally breached the hill, and the graveyard came into view. Iris is on her knees, digging through the freshly dug dirt. I break out into a limp sprint. I tumble to the ground and crawl the rest of the way. Once I reach the grave, I start helping Iris dig.

“Move!” Nathan said, running up to us with a shovel. Iris and I move for a second to give him room to shove the shovel’s blade into the dirt. Once he gets a good amount of dirt outta the way, Iris and I jump back in digging with our hands.

My fingernails scrap against a hard surface.
