Page 40 of Silver Or Lead

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He kissed her neck before biting down—hard enough to leave a mark, she was sure. Also hard enough to have pleasure flooding her pussy for a second time in as many minutes. She cried out, grabbing handfuls of his ass as she came. Roman stopped chewing on her neck long enough to cover her mouth with his own, kissing her savagely and swallowing her sounds of pleasure.

Her hands and legs fell away from his body, having no strength to keep holding on. Before she could remind her brain to get back online, her body was already switching off.

The last thing she felt before sleep claimed her was the softest of kisses on her forehead.


The following morning, Roman found himself in a great mood. He whistled as he shuffled papers around on his desk, not really seeing what was printed on them. And also not really caring.

He was in his private office, having difficulty focusing, unable to wipe the smile off his face. Worshipping Angel the way she deserved was going to be his new mission in life. She had been a work of art beneath him, open and raw and uninhibited. He loved how she wasn’t afraid to take what she wanted—what she needed.

He had been surprised when she allowed herself to fall asleep with him still there. And completely naked, too. It just showed how badly she needed rest—and also how much of a release she’d had. He held her for a while, until his dick had seen fit to deflate. He was tempted to rub one out, but it felt skeevy. So he waited out his throbbing erection until he could safely tuck it back into his pants. Then he covered her with the throw from the back of the sofa, cleaned up in the bathroom, and gently but quickly wiped Angel down with a warm washcloth. He kept it brief. Not because he had a problem cleaning her up—in fact, he found he enjoyed taking care of her in any way—but because he didn’t want to take liberties with her body while she was sleeping.

He had debated carrying her to her bed but decided to leave her where she was in the end. She needed rest and her navy-blue sofa was comfortable. He had left not long after, tempted to stay, but knowing she wouldn’t want that. Not yet.

“One day,” he murmured, running his finger over the edge of a letter opener.

When his phone rang, he practically lunged at it, fumbling to see who the caller was. He felt like a tool, but that was minor when he saw Angel’s name flashing on the screen. He answered with a smile. “Angel, good morning.”

“Roman...” she began, clearing her throat uncomfortably.

Roman’s good mood plummeted. She didn’t sound like she’d had an earth-shattering experience just hours ago. She sounded aloof. Distant. It had him moving his coffee mug away so he didn’t shatter it in a fit of rage. “Why do I get the feeling you regret last night?”

“I don’t. I mean, I do. I just...” She sighed, and he pictured her rubbing her temples. “I wanted to make some things clear.”

“Oh?” he inquired mildly, doing his best not to hold his breath. The power she held over him was mind blowing. The realization caused him to hate her a little.

“No more orgasms. No more sex,” Angel said flatly. “We are not lovers, Roman.”

He picked up the letter opener again, tempted to stab himself in the back. It would save Angel some time. He kept his voice calm as he responded. “We’re not?”

“No. We’re not. That means no more seduction. No more pity orgasms. And no more nice-nice. I’m your medical professional, an employee like all your others. Nothing more.”

He leaned back in his chair. Angel was much more than that. And he feared she always would be. But he let it go. For now. It was becoming much harder to do every time she pulled her hot and cold act. He reminded himself that she was broken. Broken in ways he knew nothing about. He could afford to be patient. So, he didn’t argue with her when he next spoke. “Fine. No more sex stuff. Does that mean we can officially be friends?”

“Friends?” she asked, sounding shocked. “What? No!”

Roman twirled the letter opener expertly. “Why not? You said you don’t do friends with benefits. There are no benefits between us. Ergo, we can be friends now.”


Roman pulled his cell from his ear. Her voice was becoming rather shrill. “Ergo. It means consequently, therefore, hence... shall I go on?”

“No,” Angela ground out. “And the answer is still no as well.”

“You’re friends with Luca, Sal, and Abel. We cleared that up last night,” he reminded her.

Angela huffed. “Well, I don’t need any more friends.”

He was pleased she didn’t deny the trio at least. “You’re an introvert,” Roman noted. “I can respect that.”

“Good. Great. So, you agree? No more sex,” Angel said in a rush.

Roman shrugged and lied through his teeth. “I agree.”

“And we’re not friends either, right? We keep this professional.”

He didn’t want to be her friend. Or not just her friend, anyway. He wanted much more. Seeing her softer side and her vulnerability the previous evening made him want to hold her when she was sad, soothe her when she was sick, laugh with her when she was happy. He wanted to be her everything. But he wanted the same from her. He may be a man who did bad things, but he knew his worth. If his feelings weren’t reciprocated, he would grow to resent her—and himself. And that was a ticking time bomb.
