Page 39 of Silver Or Lead

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Why now, with this particular man, did she finally feel safe? It didn’t make any sense. But she decided to go with it. Just for a little while longer. She had no doubt the real world and her insecurities would intrude soon enough. Better make the most of it while I can, she told herself.

They kissed and kissed, their tongues dancing and their hands wandering. When Roman retreated, she was the one to chase his mouth with her own. It was his rough chuckle that caused her to open her eyes. He’d said she was beautiful. But he was wrong. He was the beautiful one. His honey-brown irises shone with fervor, the small lines beside them creased thanks to his smile. A smile which was wide and uninhibited.

His dark-brown hair was a mess, one thick portion flopped carelessly over his forehead. He had a solo dimple in his right cheek, and she wanted to lick it. Hell, she wanted to lick him all over. So, she reached for the button on his jeans, only to be brought up short by his calloused hand over her own.

“Nope,” he reprimanded her. He took her hand, tugging her closer to the couch. “Tonight is just for you. Let me adore you.”

Roman managed to lower her gently onto the sofa before his words penetrated her lust-filled brain. “Wait... what?” Angela tried to scramble away, but he grabbed her by her wrist, hauling her back. “No. We have crazy, high-spirited sex or nothing at all,” she told him.

Roman tsked at her. “I know what you’re all about, Dr. Hawthorne. You want us to slake our lusts and call it a day. Because simple fucking allows you to keep your distance.”

She raised her chin. “So what if it does? There’s nothing wrong with fucking. In fact, we seemed to be quite good at it.”

“Indeed. I agree with you. And I’m all for fucking,” he promised with a rumble. “But that isn’t what this is about tonight.”

“It’s about that or nothing at all,” Angela told him, staying strong.

Roman laughed low. “Is that right?”

She licked her suddenly dry lips. “That’s right.”

Roman picked up her hand, kissing the back of it before nibbling along her knuckles. He met her eyes. “What if I want to worship you? What if I want to humble myself before you? What if I want to treat you like the queen you are, on my knees before you? What if I want to give you so much pleasure that it begins to feel like pain?”

Angela’s breath stalled in her lungs. “I... don’t want that,” she stuttered.

“Your mouth is saying one thing, Angel. But your body is saying another.” Roman reached out and stroked her beaded nipple through her shirt. “You do so much for others, Angel. Let me give you something back.”

Angela didn’t say yes—she couldn’t—but she also didn’t say no. Taking the tacit agreement for what it was, Roman quickly stripped her of her clothes. Within seconds, she was naked in front of him whilst he remained fully dressed. After a moment’s hesitation, he unbuttoned his jeans and lowered his zipper, allowing his erection to spring free. “Better safe than sorry,” he told her. “I don’t want my fly to damage my favorite appendage.”

Angela didn’t want that either. She accepted his next kiss, relishing the weight of him as he came down on top of her. The feeling of his denim-clad thighs against her bare ones was erotic as hell.

He made his way to her breasts, kneading and squeezing. He plumped them together, a rough growl leaving his throat. “One day, I’m going to watch my dick fuck these pretty tits of yours, Angel.”

“Oh god,” Angela cried out, wetness flooding her core from his wicked words. He bent his head, taking her nipple into his mouth and sucking hard. When her hands started to shake, she gripped his hair.

Roman played with her nipples long enough for her to squirm and start humping his stomach like a dog. Anything to get more friction and to find release. His mouth finally journeyed south, his tongue tracing around her belly button, and she felt the way her soft stomach quivered from his attentions. She wasn’t self-conscious about her body. As a doctor, she had seen so many bodies of all shapes and sizes and had come to understand that the human body was just a vessel. Its purpose was to carry you through life. A functioning body was a privilege not given to all, so she was damn sure going to enjoy hers.

And enjoying it, she certainly was, especially when Roman was between her parted legs in the next moment, leaving a trail of open kisses. When his mouth met her heated core, she arched sharply, feeling her back crack from the movement. He flattened his tongue and licked her from bottom to top several times before using two fingers to open her hole so he could stab his tongue into her and lick her out. Her keening cry of surprise and pleasure seemed to fuel his appetite because he began eating her like a starving man.

Angela gripped the couch, panting. Typically, she disassociated from such an intimate act. She usually let her mind drift while her body stayed present, soaking up the pleasure. But she found herself unable to do that this time. All she could think about was the man between her thighs.

Looking down, she took in his dark hair messed up from her wandering hands and satisfaction spiraled through her. She had done that. The possessive feeling was new and sent a warning alarm to her head. But it was easily ignored, thanks to the way Roman was devouring her. One hand gripped her thigh, opening her wide and holding her steady against the sofa when she practically tried to put him in a choke hold from what his tongue was now doing to her clit. And that’s when he switched things up. His fingers abandoned her wet hole, tugging and pressing down on the most vulnerable part of her body, while he fucked her with his tongue.

She finally let her mind go, her hips undulating and working with Roman to find a rhythm that would bring her the most pleasure. It didn’t take long. Apparently, letting go was the key, and she shouted as her orgasm rolled through her. “Ugh, ugh, ugh!” she moaned over and over again, writhing as much as his restraining hands would allow.

To her shock, he wasn’t satisfied with wringing just one orgasm from her. As soon as her body stopped spasming from the first wave of pleasure, he went to town again, drawing a startled cry from her. “What are you doing?” she gasped out.

Roman’s eyes, darkened in passion, met her own. He licked his lips, groaning from her flavor. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“No more,” she said, pushing him away weakly. “I can’t.”

“You can. And you will,” Roman told her with a growl. He reached up, gripping her breasts again with two hands, massaging and plucking at her distended nipples, making her gasp and moan and writhe.

His face was flushed as he moved over her, his exposed dick falling against her wet, sensitive clit. He was so hard and felt huge, and she couldn’t stop herself from rocking against him. His piercing added to the experience, eliciting sparks of pleasure each time it glided over her clit. “Roman!” she yelled, her fingers digging into his shoulders, and he growled in approval, lowering his head to her right breast. He sucked her nipple in roughly, tweaking the other with his thumb and forefinger.

Her legs wrapped around his hips, and she knew she was going to make a mess out of his pants because she was just so wet. But she couldn’t bring herself to care. Not when another orgasm was barreling down on her. She curled her legs inward, trapping his ass between her crossed ankles, forcing his weight and his cock onto her center more. She rocked and ground herself against him as hard as she could.

“That’s it, mio angelo. Fuck yourself against me. Take what you need from me,” Roman encouraged her, his voice raspy against the shell of her ear.
