Page 33 of Silver Or Lead

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He had an inkling the moment he held a gun to her head that she was special. And it became clear why over the last few months. It was because she was his. She didn’t know it yet. Hell, she was actively fighting against their mutual attraction. But he had faith that one day she wouldn’t. Until then, he would do what he needed to do to prove he was worthy of her. He couldn’t change who he was; it was too deeply ingrained. But he could change some of his behaviors. There was a difference.

The only time he stayed away from her was when he ended up with chickenpox as well. He was so insulated as a child that he never got the virus, just like Abel. It took him two weeks to get over it. And, to his horror, Abel wasn’t the only one who ended up with spots on his dick. Ordering his second-in-command to inspect his cock piercings to make sure they weren’t infected hadn’t been the proudest moment of his life. He had no desire for the holes to close up because he sure as hell wouldn’t do it again. And given he knew what Angel’s orgasm face was like, he was determined to put the metal bars to good use in the future.

In the end, Abel steadfastly refused, and he was forced to get Salvatore to look instead. It was just as much of a nightmare, with Roman agreeing to buy Sal and Luca a private island for their wedding gift in exchange for playing nursemaid. Thankfully, it wasn’t infected, and his magic cross remained in place. There was just a giant blister covering it. It had hurt and itched so badly that he was worried he was going to scratch his dick off. But there was no way he was going to allow Angel to see it in that state. His peen had a reputation to uphold. So, he had slathered it in calamine lotion for a week and wondered why his dick looked so good in pink.

Speaking of his dick, it was tingling at the base and steadily leaking precum at the tip. He squeezed it tighter, increasing the friction to the skin sliding beneath his slick hand. He jerked on it faster, the filthy sound echoing off the Italian glass tiles. He spread his legs as wide as his slacks would allow, reaching down to play with his sac. He groaned, his head falling forward to watch his hand move up and down. He’d always had a thing for watching, and his bedroom had huge mirrors installed as a result.

Pushing away from the counter, he watched his hand move in the mirror, the tip of his cock becoming red and the silver bars glinting in the low light. He pictured Angel on her knees in front of him with her pretty tits out and her mouth wide open. His dick kicked in his hand, cum spurting out onto the floor where his fantasy Angel was. He envisioned painting her with his seed, her hands rubbing it into her breasts as her greedy mouth drank him in and begged for more.

His orgasm went on, and he continued to stroke himself roughly, drawing out the pleasure. His chest rose and fell in time with his fast breaths and his forehead was dotted with sweat. He squeezed one last time, just beneath his piercing, wringing out the final drop of cum, which he smoothed over his crown. His legs were a little shaky and his dick felt over-sensitized, but overall, he felt damn good.

“If you’re done jacking off, Sal and I need to talk to you.” Luca’s voice came through the locked door loud and clear.

“Fucking hell!” He couldn’t even enjoy a private jerk session without someone wanting something.

He looked around for a hand towel or a tissue, coming up empty. Probably because he had used them up the last time he flogged himself to images of Angel. He yanked a drawer open, yelling when it came out all the way and landed on his foot. Luckily, he still had his shoes on.

“Are you okay in there?” Salvatore shouted, banging once on the door. “Did you rip your dick off? What did my mother always tell us? Your cock is not a toy.”

“Fuck off!” Roman yelled back. He could hear the pair of assholes laughing as he finally found a pack of wet wipes and cleaned the cum off his hands and cock. He quickly zipped and buttoned up, moving closer to the sink now that he wasn’t at risk of breaking his neck from his pants. He scrubbed his hands and then splashed cold water on his face. He was feeling flushed.

He made quick work of the mess on the floor before unlocking the door and flinging it wide. “What do you fuckers want?” was how Roman greeted two of his most favorite people in the world.

“Enjoy yourself?” Sal asked, grinning like an idiot.

“As a matter of fact, I did. You see, I do this thing where...” Roman broke off with an evil grin when both men blocked their ears and started singing loudly. He thought it was a little hypocritical of Salvatore, given all the porn they had watched together as teens. Discovering he liked men, or rather, Luca, had been a late-in-life surprise.

“Ugh! I don’t want to hear what yanks your crank,” Luca groused, looking disgusted.

“We already know,” Sal pointed out. “Himself.”

Roman shoved his friend. Hard. “Get fucked.”

“I have been. Just this morning. Good and proper,” Sal replied, looking satisfied.

Now it was Roman’s turn to pretend ignorance. He didn’t want the details of Luca’s sex life. But he was glad his brother was able to have one. He guessed he owed Sal for that. Walking to the galley-style kitchenette on the far wall, he grabbed a bottle of water from the mini refrigerator. “If you’re all quite done judging me, tell me why you’re here. It’s getting late.”

It was just after five in the evening, and he wanted to go home. “Is it Claire?”

“She’s fine,” Luca said. “Really sweet, as a matter of fact. I’m glad she’s here. She’s had a rough time. You’re going to help her, aren’t you?”

Roman drank half the water, regarding his brother for a moment. “Are you okay with her being here?”

Luca frowned. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t want her presence to bring up bad memories,” Roman clarified gently.

Luca smiled and shook his head. He walked over and hugged Roman. He was an affectionate guy with those he loved. “You’re sweet, Roman. But it’s fine. I’d rather have her here than not. I’m going to look into that Robert douchebag. He sounds dangerous.”

“I’m not sweet,” Roman immediately refuted.

“You keep telling yourself that,” Luca advised. “Because nobody else here believes it.”

Roman didn’t argue further. It would do no good. Luca was the stubbornest of them. And that was saying a lot. As long as she didn’t cause trouble for his family or his businesses, Roman didn’t care that Claire was staying. It wouldn’t be the first person in trouble he had housed. And if Abel decided to ignore everyone and clip the ex, it wouldn’t be anything new either.

“We’re here about Lenny and Dane,” Sal said, looking grim.

Lenny and Dane were two of his crew. Or, maybe more accurately, cugine. They were young and full of gusto, and wanting to be made. Roman was convinced they had it in them. “What about them?”
