Page 32 of Silver Or Lead

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Angela laughed. “Luca seems happy to have Claire around for a while anyway.” He had stayed with Claire in her new suite of rooms when the rest of them had all left. Salvatore was still there too, of course. But Luca’s presence had put Claire at ease even more than Angela’s had. “I’ll talk to Sister Pip about finding Claire more permanent housing tomorrow.”

“Don’t rush on my account. She’s such a little thing. It’s not like she’ll be in the way. Besides, Abel will need some time to deal with that Robert character.” Roman’s face twisted into a sneer.

“I don’t want to know about it,” Angela told him. “Plausible deniability.”

“Look at you, getting the hang of the crime business,” Roman teased, grinning.

Angela didn’t respond, but she was smiling on the inside. When she had first agreed to be Roman’s private doctor, she tried to keep ignoring him. But it was extremely difficult when he made it his mission to be around whenever she was. Even if it had nothing to do with him, he was still there. He could be chatting with his guards, working on his tablet, talking on his phone. She had even seen him reading a book a few times. He had kept his word, not talking about the time he had impaled her with his lovely cock. But that didn’t stop Angela from feeling the sexual tension between them. It was thick enough to cut with a knife.

She shook those thoughts off, as always. “Well, I’m heading home,” Angela said, pressing the button on the elevator.

“Do you want me to arrange for a driver for you?” Roman offered. “I know you had a long shift last night, and you’ve been here for hours now.” He waved the guard walking behind them over. “Lenny can do it.”

Her lips thinned as she took in the other man. He didn’t look pleased with the prospect of playing cab driver. “That’s not necessary. I’m fine,” she promised. “I’m not working tonight. I have the next three days off. Plenty of time for plenty of rest.”

Roman was about to argue—she could tell by the look on his face. But his cell rang. He looked at it, his face shutting down. It was amazing how he could do that. Go from an open, charming man to a cold, blank canvas. “I have to take this,” he said.

“Of course. Call me if Claire needs anything.”

Roman nodded and walked off in the opposite direction, already answering the call. She watched him, wondering what it was about. And promptly felt annoyed for wondering. Roman and his calls were none of her business.

She stepped into the elevator, lost in her thoughts. She hoped Claire had a chance to recover, in more ways than one. Her plight hit rather close to home; Angela knew she would do anything she could to help keep her safe. When the back of her neck itched, she looked up, realizing with a jolt that Lenny had stepped into the elevator behind her. She could see his reflection in the shiny door. His expression was sour. She glanced at the descending digits: forty. The elevator suddenly felt like it was moving at a snail’s pace.

“You’re taking too many liberties,” the man said abruptly.

“Excuse me?” Angela turned around, not liking him at her back.

“You heard me,” he grunted, an annoyed look on his face. “The way you spoke to Roman earlier. Who do you think you are? You’re not famiglia. You have no say here, bitch. Yet you were ordering him around like it’s your right.”

Angela’s eyes narrowed. Lenny had been one of the guards outside the medical suite. He clearly didn’t like her vocabulary choice. She raised her chin and planted her feet. “I didn’t hear Roman complaining. And that’s Dr. Bitch to you.”

Lenny snorted in derision. “Of course, he didn’t complain. Everyone knows he wants to get in your pants. He’s a patient guy. He can put up with that mouth of yours until it’s wrapped around his dick.”

Angela saw they were just passing floor twenty. She hoped she could keep him talking until the elevator doors opened but could tell that wouldn’t be the case when he stepped forward, invading her personal space. Instead of moving back, she held her ground. The act of defiance seemed to piss him off even more. She had no idea what his issue was. Roman didn’t need anyone, least of all this sorry excuse for a man, to stand up for him.

“You really think an outsider like you can tell Roman whom he can and can’t have in his home? You disrespectful cunt,” Lenny snarled. “I think it’s time someone brought you down to size.”

He grabbed her arm, and she allowed it so she could get close enough to inflict some damage in the confined space. Only five floors to go. “Back off.”

“Or what?” Lenny sneered.

“Or I’ll drop you,” Angela promised. And she meant it. This was the first time she’d had any trouble with one of Roman’s employees. She had meant what she said to Claire; Omertà was one of the safest places to be in Monash. But perhaps she had spoken too soon about all of the people in it. She didn’t doubt Abel or Salvatore or even Roman. But this guy—Lenny—was looking at her like he was about to choose violence.

When he squeezed her arm to the point of pain, Angela brought her knee up with all of her strength, smashing his balls. Lenny’s scream was quickly cut off when she jabbed him in the throat. He fell to the ground, and she stepped over him. Not bothering to do or say anything further. She was shaking a little and wanted to get the hell out.

Later, she vowed, she would call Roman and tell him he had a schmuck working for him. That is, if he didn’t already know.


Roman fisted his cock, working it roughly from base to tip. He groaned from the pleasure-pain of it. It wasn’t the same as having Angel’s pussy wrapped around him, but it would get the job done.

He was locked in the private bathroom of his personal office. After taking the call from a prospective new associate, he had hastened to his office on the fifty-second floor. It was where he conducted his shadier business dealings. It afforded more privacy than his more accessible office on floor thirty.

And that was important when he was masturbating to thoughts of Angel telling people she believed his home was one of the safest places in the world. That she believed he was one of the safest places in the world. It should have been laughable. And had anyone else said it, he would have refuted it. But because it was Angel, he’d had a semi for the past four hours.

Hence why he was now Lone Rangering it in his bathroom.

Over the last two months, he had seen Angel a handful of times when she visited for various medical reasons. He’d seen her that many times again when she hung out with Luca or Sal. Or even Abel once or twice. She had thawed a little towards him, and he could see them making progress toward a civil relationship. It wasn’t a friendship, but she didn’t try to bite his head off every time she saw him anymore, either. He made it a point to be near her whenever she was around. Call it exposure therapy. Because he was convinced she was the one person who could fill his dark days with light.
