Page 43 of Before Summer Ends

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“You hear that, kitten?” he asked.

I focused on the sounds enveloping us. The snapping of tree branches falling with the wind, birds singing. The drumming of Parker's heartbeat against my hand, and nails of squirrels squirting up the trees. Nature’s symphony at its finest, grounding the stirring in my mind.

Clearing out the drama with Kyle, the troubles of the bar, the ache in my chest where a Paisley sized hole sat.

And then, I heard what Hendrix was talking about. The trickle of a stream. We were near water. Somewhere. I nodded, opening my eyes. Hendrix tilted his head in the direction ahead of us. I pulled away, walking toward the edge of the cliff.

My mouth gaped as I stood at the edge, peering down. “Is this a hot spring?”

A waterfall cascaded on the opposite of us. Larger boulders trickled down, creating a beautiful stream of water falling below.

“Yeah.” Parker yanked off his shirt, shorts, and kicked off his shoes. He was standing in his white boxer briefs, and before I could protest, he ran, jumping off the ledge.

I let out a shriek, a mixture of my fear and the rush of what he’d done swirling in my chest. “Jesus!”

Hendrix laughed. “He’s fine.”

I held my breath, waiting for Parker to come to the surface. His dark hair was still in the tight bun he wore, and he wiped his face free of water, swimming toward the waterfall. “Get your asses down here!”

I turned to Hendrix, who was already undressing. He stood, buck naked and I let out a bark of laughter. “Hen!”

He shrugged, giving me that sweet smirk. “You know I go commando, babe.”

My eyes widened, drifting down to his soft cock that was still large enough to hang. “Isn’t that going to hurt swinging around in the air?”

He didn’t answer me, just sprung forward, letting out a yelp as he flung himself in the air doing a flip. The splash came next, and I shook my head, waiting for him to come to the surface next.

“You’re next!” Parker yelled. He was out of the water now, standing on a rock below the waterfall.

Heart in my throat, I yanked off my top. I was wearing a black sports bra, and I debated taking it off, following Hendrix’s lead in the skinny dipping. Ultimately, I decided against it. My tits hadn’t shrunk, despite the weight I’d been losing. They were still full and heavy, and I knew the force of gravity would be painful.

I kicked off my shorts and yanked at my hiking shoes. My hair was pulled back in a tight braid, and physically, I was ready. But I was also scared. I’d never done anything like this before. Never took risks, and certainly never jumped off a rock into an endless pool of water.

I was a strong swimmer. A lifeguard from aged fourteen until seventeen. I taught Paisley to swim when she was only an infant. Those crazy videos that went viral of a baby being tossed in the water with their clothes on, learning to float to the surface and flip to their backs until help arrived?

Yeah, Paisley was one of them. She was a fast swimmer, and I knew it was because of me. Still, the height caused all the caution I’d developed over the seven years I’d been a mother. I trusted these guys.

This summer, I wanted to come out of my shell. And they did that for me. They were showing me what it was like to be fearless. I loved the attention they gave me. Maybe it was because I’d been deprived of that from everyone in my life. I never knew what it was like to be cherished.

Parker and Hendrix gave that to me. So I’d give them this. My trust that when I fell, they’d catch me. I sucked in a breath, mustering up my courage, and then I lept. I was soaring through the air, my legs flailing as I screamed.

Then I hit the water, and sank deep. I didn’t close my eyes, taking in the feel of the warm water, the bubbles I’d created around me. The soaring, invincible feeling that settled in my chest. I just jumped off a cliff into crystal clear water.

Holy fuck.

My heart beat fast, and I moved my arms and legs as I kicked to the surface. I did it. I fucking did it. Pride swelled inside of me. Pride and adrenaline, and those things made me want to kiss the fuck out of Parker and Hendrix. It made need and desire course through me until it filled an aching in my chest.

I didn’t like that I needed them. That I wanted more from them. But then again, they’d taught me it was okay to lean on someone.

“Fuck yeah! I told you she’d do it!” Parker cheered, clapping as I broke through the water.

“Shut up,” Hendrix said, rolling his eyes. He was in the water beside me. He stared, a glint in his eye, that told me he wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

I moved my arms, slowly swimming toward him as Parker jumped back in from a lower edge.

“This is beautiful.” I wrapped my arms around Hendrix’s neck when I made it to him. “Thank you.”

“For what?” he asked. His teeth nipped at my lower lip.

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