Page 90 of Learning to Walk

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But he might get killed accidentally?

Oh, the questions.

But I stayed on task. Good Masters did not get distracted by the fascinating things that popped out of a sub’s mouth. “He might be more inclined to stop testing your patience if he was working toward a reward?”

Keeping the reward vague was supposed to help Cashel stay relaxed, but they both went very still.


Clearly that didn’t go as planned, but Gareth provided a wonderful distraction.

“I like rewards.” Gareth was still not-so-subtly playing with his erection which had Cashel rolling his eyes.

“That’s not a surprise.” Cashel’s snarky response said he wasn’t as nervous as I’d worried he’d be. “Are you supposed to be doing that?”

I wasn’t sure if it was a rhetorical question but Gareth shrugged and looked between us. “I don’t know? You guys are in charge.”

That seemed to trip up Cashel’s brain and he took a few seconds to reset. “You’re right.”

Oh, it was getting so good.

Turning his head, Cashel’s expression was serious and it was almost like he was discussing a term paper or something at a corporate job. “How do you feel about him playing with himself like that?”

Oh, badass switch mode.

Gareth was right…it was sexy.

“I think he’s making it very clear that he finds you sexy as hell.” I couldn’t resist giving Cashel a quick kiss as Gareth snickered. “And I think it’s his way of being naughty as he reminds his Doms that he hasn’t orgasmed recently.”

His plan to wait until bedtime didn’t seem like the right way to handle it any longer.

Cashel looked like he was giving himself a silent pep talk and nodded after a few seconds. “Yes, but should we be thinking about rewarding bad behavior?”

“No one said I couldn’t play with it.” Gareth’s helpful commentary was cheeky but he had a good point.

Cashel seemed to take a page from Gareth’s playbook and just ignored it. “He’s going to need rules.”

Oh yes.

“But maybe we could give him a reward for…for being adaptable?” I wasn’t sure that was the best idea, but it was the first thing that came to mind. “And it would reinforce your role as his Dom.”

That got a few long blinks as Cashel nodded slowly.

I wasn’t sure if we’d broken him or if his brain was just resetting again, but after a few long moments, he looked more alive. That didn’t mean he was in a hurry to let us know what he was thinking, though.

Leaning into me, he nuzzled my neck and gathered his thoughts. “You’ll help me?”

Cashel’s quiet question had Gareth hugging him tight again, but I kissed the side of his head and nodded. “Yes, we all start somewhere and a good sub understands that. Besides, Gareth can’t wait to show you his penis, so he’s going to be very well-behaved.”

Barking out a laugh, Cashel returned Gareth’s hug and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the way our pup was vibrating with excitement. “That’s a good point.”

Gareth was trying to stay still and quiet, probably afraid saying anything would get his reward taken away or would startle Cashel. I wasn’t sure Gareth believed that Cashel wasn’t afraid of his penis. Whatever was going through his head would’ve probably been fascinating, but he was smart to keep it to himself.

I could only hold back a frustrated Cashel so many times before he’d get wiggly and escape.

“Another good point might be to find a way to help him remember who’s in charge.” I shrugged, trying to look casual as Gareth shivered. “He’s just a bit cheeky for a sub.”

That had Gareth looking curious and needy, but it made Cashel chuckle as he stroked a hand over Gareth’s head. “That’s a very good description of him.”
