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I was just approaching the door when my worst fear came true and I saw a large figure stepping out of the shadows. I stumbled back and reached towards my pocket ready to grab that pepper spray if need be. But it wasn’t there. Shit. It was in the other pocket. I reached towards that side and felt nothing. Fuck. It must have fallen out in the car. A lot of good that would fucking do me.

“Hey,” the voice said. And then the man stepped into the slight bit of light emanating from the hallway inside the door to the apartment complex I lived in.

I recognized that voice instantly. My heart sank. Dammit. “Tyler,” I said.

Tyler Wilkins was my ex-boyfriend. We’d dated for about six months until I realized what a scumbag piece of shit he was and I called it quits. He began to stalk me and to tell me that I belonged to him and that the two of us would be together forever. There was no other way. He told me that he owned me. I had ignored him as much as I could and he kept coming after me. I knew what my next step was and I was finally prepared to take it.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Came to talk, babe,” he said. “How was work tonight?”

“It was work. And it’s none of your damn business. You have nothing to do with me anymore.”

He smiled. “Nah, see that is where you are wrong. We are an item, still. You don’t get to make me fall in love with you and then toss me aside like I’m some tool you done using. You think it’s funny to treat people that way?”

“That’s not what happened at all. You are crazy. The fact that you are here right now talking to me this way simply proves that. Get help. You really need it.”

He stepped forward blocking my entrance as I headed towards the door. I groaned and stood there looking up at him. He loomed over me with his anger seething through his teeth.

“You don’t call me crazy,” he said. “If I’m crazy that is because of what you have done to me. This isn’t over. Why can’t you accept that?”

“Why can’t you accept that it is?” I asked.

“Because I love you and I’m not going to let your fear of commitment break up what is the most amazing relationship either of us has ever been in. This is real. This shit is real. We are meant to be. And I won’t let your paranoia break that up. Why don’t you stop playing these stupid games and just admit that you miss me? You love me and you miss what we had. Why can’t you just admit that?”

“Because it’s not true. I don’t think I ever came close to being in love with you, and once I found out that you lied to me about your past and who you are, I realized I couldn’t trust you. I don’t trust you or believe a word you say. We are done. Now get out of my way.”

“You are going to regret this,” he said.

“I already regret ever laying eyes on you,” I said.

I elbowed my way past him and opened the door to my building. I let it close behind me and paused a moment before leaving. I was sure he was going to try to follow me into the building, but the only way to really escape him right then was to close the door in his face. I just hoped he didn’t follow me. He was full of so much hot air, so much talk.

But he was growing bolder. It was beginning to terrify me. I made the decision right then and there that I needed to do something drastic, something I’d been trying to avoid for a while. But it had to be done now. I had no other choice anymore. This was growing dangerous. Tyler was becoming unhinged and I was very fearful over what he might do if this continued this way.

When I entered my apartment, I closed the door behind me and locked it. I double checked it and then I went to the fridge, grabbed that beer and took a long swig. I was going to drink more tonight than I had planned. I needed something to wash away the fear and clear my head.

I sat down and pulled out my phone. Then I dialed the police. I chose the non-emergency option, even though I felt this might qualify for an emergency. A woman’s voice came on the line right then.

“Yes, I need to file to get a restraining order against my ex-boyfriend who is now stalking me. I fear he is going to do something drastic if I don’t do this.”

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