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I wondered if I was looking for excuses to cancel. Probably. I’d been dreading it for the past week since I’d made the appointment. It was always so hard to get myself to a doctor. I was always afraid of what they were going to tell me.

I was pregnant. I knew it. I’d known for the past few weeks. I’d taken a home pregnancy test which confirmed it as well. I was just going to the doctor to be definitely sure. Sometimes the home tests gave false alarms. But I knew it wasn’t. I could feel that I was pregnant.

I should have known it was going to happen sooner or later. But I hoped it would be later. I just hoped that somehow, I would escape it for now. I didn’t need this thing to worry about. I was happy, I was looking forward to being a mother, but the timing couldn’t have been worse. I had too much on my plate. I just didn’t have time for this type of stuff right now.

And then there was how Mason would feel about it.

Mason was an amazing father. He loved Jack dearly. But he had told me repeatedly that he wanted no more kids. He didn’t want to go through the health scares that he had gone through with Jack, the heartbreaks of not knowing how his child was going to live through the night at times. It was too stressful. Jack was getting better as he got older, but the first several years were really going to take its toll on him if it happened again. I tried to explain to him that Jack’s situation had nothing to do with whether his next child would be born premature and struggle to live. That was a rare situation. He understood that but he couldn’t bring himself to be ok with it.

How was he going to handle this? I didn’t want him to be stuck with a child he didn’t want just because he loved me. Would he even do that? What if he told me to leave as well? What if I was somehow ruined for him? He’d had such an awful time with Tiffany and that whole thing, and I knew he was terrified of seeing history repeat itself. But he knew I wasn’t her and I wasn’t like her in any way.

Yet, I was afraid of what might happen. Every time I thought about it I almost burst into tears. I’d been so depressed over it lately. I couldn’t tell Mason about this. I… I didn’t know how he would respond. I didn’t really think he would end things with me over this, but he might. And if he didn’t end things then I would spend our entire life together wondering how much he resented our child and how long it would be before he eventually gave up and just walked out on us or told us to leave.

Of course, if the child was healthy and didn’t have any issues that might be a different story. But what if the child wasn’t healthy? And what if during those first few months Mason worried that it was all going to end tragically and he decided that he couldn’t deal with it?

I knew I was tearing my head up with all of this, but it was the way that I felt. I had to know for sure what he would think. I had to tell him. But first I had to find out for sure myself. There might have been nothing to tell him about after all. God willing. I just hoped it wasn’t true.

I was halfway to the car when I saw the shadow coming at me from the side. I barely had time to turn and drop the bag of groceries I was carrying before the figure swung the long club at my head. I barely managed to duck under it.

The groceries hit the ground with a loud splat and stuff went everywhere. I couldn’t pay attention to it though. I was too busy fighting for my life.

It was Tiffany. She was coming at me again with the club. The crazy bitch had murder in her eyes. She swung the club at my head and I sidestepped it. As she ran past me with her momentum from her missed swing, I brought my knee up and caught her right under the ribs.

The club fell to the parking lot scattering on the ground. I lunged for it, but Tiffany was surprisingly fast. She spun around and grabbed the club from the ground and then swung it once again at me. She barely missed my arm that time.

As she missed I swung my foot at her face and collided with the side of her head. She let out a sickening groan and fell back on the ground. She was getting hurt. The fight was starting to leave her, but her insanity was on fire.

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