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I grabbed my water bottle from the ground and took a huge gulp downing half of it. I felt my lungs burning and my legs wanted to fall off and leave my body tumbling to the ground as I kept walking. There was a pain in my side that was hurting like hell, like some kind of invisible knife tearing into my flesh. Damn. That hurt.

I tried to breathe easily as I walked the quarter mile to my apartment. As I walked, I thought about how I couldn’t wait to see Mason. I’d been staying at his place a lot lately, but we both agreed it would be easier on Jack if I slept at my own place sometimes as well. We just weren’t ready for Jack to understand us as a couple. It would take time to get there. Right now, Jack and I were still getting used to each other, but I felt like we had a great friendship.

I took a quick shower and then ate some oatmeal for breakfast. I missed waking up with Mason that morning. I’d gotten so used to feeling him beside me as I slept and waking up to his handsome face right there with me. I loved him so much. I just wish he was with me all the time, that I lived with him permanently. Maybe as a concrete future plan.

Marriage… was I thinking about marriage?

Wow… we hadn’t even thought about that. We were still in the early stages of being together but our feelings for each other had progressed rapidly. We were in love. There was no doubt about it for either of us.

I had to admit to myself that was a bit scary. I wasn’t ready for anything in my life this heavy, but the timing was something you can’t control sometimes. I knew better than to turn away from this. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me and I knew it would never interfere with my dreams. I wouldn’t let it. And I didn’t think that Mason would ever let that happen either. He cared far too much about me and what I wanted out of life. And we had the type of relationship that would allow each of us to have separate parts of ourselves. That was important that our whole identity was not wrapped up in the relationship.

I was just about to walk out the door when my phone rang. I almost ignored it, but then I decided that it might be important. The number said it was unavailable on the caller I. D., so I figured it was a telemarketer or something, but for whatever reason I decided to answer it.


“How does it feel?”

The voice was a woman’s. It didn’t necessarily sound familiar but there was something about it that struck me.

“What?” I asked.

“How does it feel to take someone else’s man?”

I didn’t know how to respond. I stood there for a few seconds stunned by the accusation. What the hell was going on?

“What are you talking about?”

“You stupid bitch! Mason is my fucking man! You understand me? If you don’t back off and leave him alone then you won’t know what fucking hit you. Do you understand me? I will wreck your world something fierce. Do I make myself clear?”

I was getting mad. Who the fuck did this bitch think she was? “Who the hell are you and who do you think you’re talking to?”

“You fucking— “

“Shut up! Nobody threatens me! I’ll find out who you are and make you damn sorry you ever called this number!”

The line went dead.

I was livid now. I stood there in front of the door about to leave holding my phone shaking with rage. It had been a long time since someone had made me that angry. A psycho man like Tyler could frighten me, but another woman? No way. I hadn’t met a woman in my life I was afraid of. I’d been in a few scrapes in my life, most of them I junior high and I had always been able to protect myself really well.

“You have no idea who it was?” Mason asked me when I arrived at his house about twenty minutes later.

“No. The voice was pretty normal. I don’t think I recognize it, but do you know of any women who would accuse me of such a thing?”

He shook his head. I was studying him, trying to see if any of this was hitting a nerve. Was it possible he was seeing someone else?

No. I dismissed the idea instantly. That was preposterous. He never would. I knew it.

But the idea had been planted there by this unstable bitch. Who was it? Who could it be? Damn, it was going to drive me nuts.

Mason’s eyes lit up. “Wait… Tiffany.”

“Your ex?”

“Yep. I wouldn’t put this past her. I’ll do some digging and see if I can find out if she might be behind this. But she is the only one I can think of who would do this. That vindictive bitch. She still thinks we will get back together one day.”

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