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“Ah yeah, I’ve heard of that sort of thing. A friend of mine is actually an internet entrepreneur. He’s very successful making a killing online. He could probably give you some great pointers. One thing I’ve heard him say a zillion times is that content is the king. That to stand out you have to produce great content consistently, and you have to produce a crazy amount of it. Most people quit after not getting anywhere for six months of hard work. But if you keep at it a few years until you’ve pretty much saturated it and no one can even search for that thing without finding some of your content, then you’ve got something going. That’s how it’s done.”

She was in awe at my little speech, her sexy mouth hanging open. “Wow, you do know about this don’t you? My mistake. I’m impressed.”

I shrugged. “It’s all in who you know.”

“I see,” she said. “I’m enjoying picking that brain of yours.”

“Pick away. I’m an open book.”

“No, it’s your turn. Ask away at me,” she said coyly. Her tongue slid across her lips softly. It turned me on like crazy and I found myself feeling warm all over. I took a sip of my whiskey and kept my eyes on her the whole time. She’d put down her book and was now sitting there with her legs slightly apart as if suggesting something to me. Damn, she was fine looking.

“That’s interesting,” I said. “What should I ask I wonder…?”

She shrugged. I was tempted to take this into some sexy territory, but that wouldn’t have been appropriate. Unless, that was what she wanted. It felt like she was hinting at this. I knew she was, but should I go there or not? That was the question presented in front of me. I wanted to. I really did… and why the fuck not?

“When was your first time?” I asked.

Her mouth dropped open wide. “What?”

She was pretending to be shocked. I wasn’t buying it. “When did you have your first time?” I asked again.

“Wow, that is going there… Ok, I’ll play. I was a freshman in college. I was eighteen. It was a frat party. I hooked up with this guy from my English class I’d had my eye on.”

“How did that go? Did you date for a while?”

“No. He pretty much dumped me right after that.”

“Ok,” I said. “Then what happened?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, did you slash his tires? Did you send some smear campaign online to make his life a living hell, or were you fine with this?”

She laughed. “I was fine with it. I doubted much else would come from it and being eighteen I didn’t really want a relationship at the time. I was just trying to get my feet wet in school. But in the end school turned out to not be for me and I decided to drop out, especially when I started making so much money bartending.”

“Are you sorry you quit?”

“A little, but I’m not sorry to be forty thousand in debt to still have no idea what I really want to do with my life. Music is my biggest passion. It was then, but I never really considered it until I started bartending and I saw so many bands come and go in the clubs I was working in. Then I decided, why not?”

“That’s interesting,” I said. I found her way of looking at the world very fascinating. “I wish I could be that carefree about things.”

“Why can’t you? Hell, you own the world practically. You can do whatever the hell you want with your life.”

“Yeah, but I don’t really have that amount of freedom. I doubt many people do. I work too much, as you can see. I enjoy it but I do wish I had a lot more time to spend at home and doing other things, but it is the path I’ve chosen. I don’t apologize for it. One day I might slow down, but I highly doubt it.”

“I hope that you can one day. But I understand. I appreciate your drive and ambition. I’m also that way, but I feel like somehow, I got sidetracked. Now I want to find a way to really kick things into high gear and make something happen. I feel like I’m running out of time.”

“Nah, you always have time. You can start over and try again no matter what you are doing or want to do. Hell, I do it all the time when I start a new venture.”

“I could use a drink,” she said.

I glanced at the bar and then I finished my drink. I stood up and walked towards the bar. “What would you like?”


I fixed us both gin and tonics and as I turned around to walk toward the couch to hand her the drink I’d made, I realized she was right there in front of me. I hadn’t anticipated this happening. But there she was right in front of me looking amazing, sexy, and seductive. I wanted her so badly right then. I needed her. I wanted to hold her, touch her, caress her body, run my tongue up and down her spine, and then come around to bury my face between her legs…

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